(redirected from Catfish Institute)
Category filter:
CIContinuous Improvement (business quality/productivity assurance)
CICaller ID
CICubic Inch
CICommon Interface
CICity (IRB)
CIConfidence Interval
CIConfiguration Item
CICompetitive Intelligence
CIContinuous Integration
CICustomer Information
CIConservation International
CIChristmas Island
CICheck In (IBM)
CICorporate Information
CICriminal Intent (Law & Order TV series)
CIChannel Islands (UK)
CICast Iron
CICanadian Idol (TV show)
CICote d'Ivoire (country code, top level domain)
CICriminal Investigation
CICumulative Incidence (epidemiology)
CIConfiguration Interaction
CICorporate Identity
CICayman Islands
CICanadian Institute (Ontario, Canada)
CICentral Indiana
CICommunity Informatics
CICapital Investment
CICommunity Involvement
CICritical Illness
CICritical Infrastructure
CICollective Intelligence
CICollegiate Institute
CICritical Issues
CICopyright Infringement
CICorrectional Institution
CICritical Information
CICirrus (cloud formation)
CICertificate of Insurance
CICognitive Impairment
CIContinuous Infusion
CIConsumers International (UK)
CICrisis Intervention
CIConsumers' International
CICARE International (global humanitarian organization)
CICanary Islands
CICompression Ignition
CICardiac Index
CICredit Insurance
CIComputer Interface
CIChlorine Institute
CICommunity of Interest
CICode Inspection
CICase Insensitive (computing)
CIClinical Investigation
CICommunications International
CIConey Island (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
CIChris Isaak (musician)
CICustomer Interface
CICochlear Implant (audiological device that restores hearing to the deaf)
CICyberinfrastructure (US NSF)
CICost Index
CICooper Institute
CICombination Index (drug treatment)
CICategorical Imperative
CICorrectional Industries (Nebraska)
CIClinical Instructor
CIConfidential Informant
CICorrosion Inhibitor
CIChief Instructor (various organizations)
CICook Inlet
CICurriculum & Instruction (education)
CICaritas Italiana (Italian charity)
CIComponent Interface
CIChemical Ionization
CICommercial Invoice
CIControl Interface
CIConstitutional Instrument (Ghana)
CICommand Interpreter
CICalculus Index (dentistry)
CICorporate Investment
CIColour Index
CICooperazione Italiana (Italian Cooperation)
CICost & Insurance
CICost Incurred
CICity Inspector
CICircle Inspector (India)
CIConservación Internacional (Spanish: Conservation International)
CICowl Induction
CICarnegie Institute
CIConstruction Inspector
CICriminal Investigator
CICommunist International (also COMINTERN or Third International)
CICatcher's Interference (baseball)
CICommercial Imagery (US Air Force)
CICenter Island
CICapital Introduction (analyst)
CICoeficiente Intelectual (Spanish: Intelligence quotient)
CICentral Islip (Long Island, New York)
CICrime & Investigation (TV series)
CICommand Information
CICommercial Items (FAR Part 12)
CICharacteristic Impedance
CIControl Instrumentation
CICentral Instance (SAP)
CICondition Index
CICommunications Interface
CIConsistency Index
CICompassion International (relief charity)
CIComplete Integration
CIChannel Interface
CIContour Interval
CICore Infrastructure
CIComplexity International (journal)
CIClock Input
CICompliance Inspection
CICritical Intelligence
CICalcineurin Inhibitor (immunosuppressor)
CIColonial Inauguration (George Washington University; Washington, DC)
CIConnection Identifier
CICombustion Institute
CICoded Information
CICotton Incorporated
CICritical Injury
CIChemical Injection
CICertification Inspection
CIControl Interval
CIControl Indicator
CICircuit Interrupter
CICritical Item
CICommissariat à l'Information du Canada (Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada)
CICrazy Ivan (Soviet submarine maneuver)
CICluster Interconnect
CICharge Injection
CICall Indicator
CICivilian Instructor (UK Air Cadets)
CIConstructive Interference (physics)
CICentral Index
CIComputer Intelligence (Division of Ziff Davis)
CIComunità Incontro (Italian: community encounter)
CIContract Item
CICounterpart International
CICivilian Internee
CIChemonics International
CICommercial Intelligence
CICustomer Installation
CIConsular Invoice
CICombat Intelligence
CICertificate of Identity (various nations)
CICrimson Idol (W.A.S.P music album)
CIConfidential Intermediary (adoption)
CICard Input
CIConnected Intelligence
CICounselor Intern
CIComplexity Index (Indiana school funding formula)
CIContextual Inquiry
CICatalogue Item
CIComputer Interconnect
CICombat Identification
CICognition and Instruction (journal)
CICircuit Integrity
CICorner Infielder (baseball; 1st or 3rd baseman)
CICentral Impression (printing press with only one impression cylander & multiple colors)
CICriminal Informant
CICustomer Integration
CIComputers in Industry (journal)
CICervical Incompetence
CIControlled Irrigation
CICompounded Interest
CICurriculum Inquiry
CICourse Indicator
CICertificate of Interpretation
CICritical Indicator
CICritical Interface
CICarrier Interferometry
CICongestion Indicator (ATMF)
CIChina Airlines - Taiwan (IATA airline code)
CIContent Identifier
CICraft Interface
CICurrent Interrupt
CIControlled Introduction
CISchedule I Controlled Substance (USA)
CICerebral Insufficiency
CIColegio de Ingenieros de Chile
CICommand Inspection
CIChristic Institute (Malibu, CA)
CIContents Inventory (insurance)
CICommonweal Institute
CIContainment Isolation
CICarrington Institute (fictional, gaming)
CICertified Investigator
CIClandestine Industries (band)
CIContainment Integrity
CIComplex Industries (APICS course)
CIComponent Instrumentation
CIChassis Interface
CICombat Ineffective
CICount Indicator
CICritical Instant
CIContract Investigator
CIConsumer Influence
CICall Intercept
CICrew Interface
CICoordinating Installation
CICopy Instruction
CIClient Inquiry
CIConfiguration Inspection
CIConducted Interference
CICatfish Institute
CICalculate then Interpolate
CIChemical Inspectorate (Great Britain)
CICapability Increment
CIConfiguration Identifier
CIComercializadoras Internacionales (Spanish)
CICambria and Indiana Railroad
CICryptographic Interface
CICylinder Index
CICalling Indicator
CICodex Iustiniani (Latin: Justinian Codex, Codices And Manuscripts)
CIComptoir Informatique
CIChemically Induced Mutation
CIComparison Instruction
CICold Insulated
CIComité Intertribal (French: Inter-Tribal Committee)
CIClassical Imaging
CICourse Invalid (deviation display)
CIConcatenation Indication
CICaritas Internacionales
CICommutation Instant
CICrystallization Index
CIContinuous Interlock
CIControlled Iteration
CIColor Interior Film
CICost Inspector
CIColonel Irvine Junior High (Calgary, Canada)
CIContrast Irradiance
CIClass Complexity/Size Due to Inherited Methods
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Overall consumption has more than doubled since 1985, noted the Catfish Institute, an industry trade and promotion group based in Belzoni, Mississippi.
Catfish exports, presumably frozen for the most part but not broken down by the NASS, reached 26,000 pounds for December 1998 (for the year, fillet exports alone were 284,000 tons), with 85% going to Germany and 15% to the United Kingdom (Germany had been targeted as an export market by the Catfish Institute.).
The Catfish Institute, founded in 1986, has been involved from the beginning in issues like quality control as well as promotion -- in 1987, it contracted with the US Department of Commerce to have catfish processing plants inspected and certified.
They're the kind of people the Catfish Institute needs.
"The Catfish Institute has done a great job of building a market for catfish in the United States," said Henry Gantz, TCI president.
Fleishman-Hillard and The Catfish Institute poured over primary and secondary research to understand current attitudes about fish in general, and catfish specifically, as well as emerging food trends.
CLIENT: The Catfish Institute, Jackson, MS--Roger Barlow
The testing is being paid for by the Catfish Institute, a trade organization based in Belzoni, Miss.
The book brought Hovis to the attention of the Mississippi-based Catfish Institute, which hired him as its spokesperson.
(projects), 2003; Helena Chemical Co., 1994; Horizon Ag, 2002; Judd Hill Foundation (projects), 2004; Micro Flo Company (projects); Terral Seed Co., 2001; The Catfish Institute (projects), 2000 (all Philip Hollis)
"Studies have shown that opposed to beef, chicken and pork, about two-thirds of all seafood is eaten out of home," says Henry Gantz, president, The Catfish Institute, based in Belzoni, Miss.