application system

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application system

[‚ap·lə′kā·shən ‚sis·təm]
(computer science)
A group of related applications programs designed to perform a specific function.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The centre is supposed to support electronic payments to reduce handling of cash, enhance collection and improve service delivery.Mr Adow called on the executive to expedite the procurement of the necessary systems and applications to enable the operationalisation of all the in-house application systems and automation of processes for effective service delivery.
He added: "I should also point out that the development of a fully online passport application system does not come without risk.
The Indian Embassy in Bahrain announced it is switching to an online visa application system starting Saturday.
THE Indian Embassy announced it is switching to an online visa application system, starting Saturday.
The Emirates Identity Authority (Emirates ID) will launch the online application system next month for Emiratis, an official spokesman told Gulf News yesterday.
Nalaka Godahewa told Asian Tribune that the online visa application system will be convenient, which will provide entry clearance within 24hours based on the circumstance.
Sylikiotis also discussed the Ministry's goal to improve the efficiency of its asylum application system by integrating it within a greater EU application system.
According to IBM (NYSE: IBM), it has been selected by Korea-based Kookmin Bank (NYSE: KB) for developing the bank's core banking application system.
Information Technology company IBM (NYSE:IBM) announced on Wednesday (14 January) that Kookmin Bank (NYSE:KB), a large banking institution based in Korea, will adopt IBM System z10 as the platform for its next-generation core banking application system.
The second initiative is designed to ensure that federal contractors and subcontractors provide equal opportunity to qualified applicants with disabilities--including veterans--to compete for jobs when using an online application system. Electronic job application systems must be accessible to and usable by people with disabilities or the contractor must provide a reasonable accommodation that results in an equal opportunity to compete for a job.
A new wood and finishing application system has been introduced by Binks.

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