application stack

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application stack

The set of applications typically required by an organization. A typical "enterprise" application stack would include the basic office functions (word processing, spreadsheet, database, etc.), as well as a Web browser and email and instant messaging programs. "Stack" has become a popular term for suite, set or group of software. Contrast with software stack. See application suite, application platform and stack.
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Unfortunately, thanks to the ever-growing volume, velocity, and variety of technologies, the spans and layers of complexities have spread throughout the entire application stack and its lifecycle.
There still may be software-related capital expense that you'll have to layer onto the infrastructure environment, depending on your application stack. Finally, AIT has the most robust yet affordable dedicated private cloud in the industry.
A transition to the cloud requires companies to consider multiple factors beyond price and vendor, including a thorough analysis of the existing application stack and proper alignment with business needs," says Matthew Johnson at Cloud Sherpas.
They correlate the other two dimensions to enable innovative approaches to a variety of application stack operations like: Early Warning Alerts(TM) of impending application issues, preventative infrastructure configuration changes, capacity planning, reducing transaction response times, and more.
Then there's the SQL/NoSQL statements powering the database in an application, and Shell scripts and compiled C applications that power the machines that our application stack runs on.
This new offering aims at analysing structural quality of the application stack resulting in delivering higher performance, greater reliability and increased security to the customers as well as reducing underlying technical debt.
The massive forklift infrastructure upgrade is giving companies a reason to also look at their application stack and determine where additional value can be derived.
Here's a random quote: "Operations and administration are also simplified with 8.0; XAP's elastic middleware capabilities encompass the entire application stack, significantly simplifying the administration of applications across large clusters and providing proactive scaling and recovery from failure based on predefined SLA rules." We have to agree that the "elastic middleware" part sounds comfy, but they lost us completely with the application stack and the large clusters.
In his service-based design approach, the author shows how to integrate multiple components within an enterprise application stack; create services that can easily grow and connect; and design systems that are easier to maintain and upgrade.
Stratavia is the leader in application stack automation for physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure.
HCL Technologies would also provide application development and infrastructure support across the application stack of Oracle, open technologies, main frame, infrastructure support for network, security, storage, end user computing and data centres.

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