advanced capitalism

advanced capitalism

(MARXISM) the hypothetical final stage in the development of CAPITALISM, which is characterized by concentration of ownership and by increased state intervention in the economy. The latter arises from the need to control the effects of increasing economic and social CONTRADICTIONS and increasing tendency to ECONOMIC CRISES. The stage is seen as culminating in a final crisis of capitalism and a transition to socialism. See also CAPITALISM AND CAPITALIST MODE OF PRODUCTION, IMPERIALISM.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
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The reason why it took a bit longer for Sweden to become democratic than its neighbours, may have had to do with the country's more advanced capitalism and industrial development.
Especially important to the discussion of posthuman subjectivity in these films is Braidotti's argument on the biogenetic structure of contemporary advanced capitalism. Our globalized world blurs the boundaries between human, other species and earth, yet in an all-consuming "commodification of life".
Surveying the current state of the field of hotel history, James examines scholarship that largely treats the hotel within realms--such as Europe and America--and within frameworks--such as colonialism and globalization--that are associated with advanced capitalism, Western political hegemony, and cultural and economic modernity.
He was familiar in the decade of the 1960s with the problems associated with underdevelopment and poverty, and established the concept periphery, as an overall explanation of the economic relations between countries of advanced capitalism and underdeveloped countries.
During the first period, the advanced capitalism countries and the improvement in globalization was good and the income of the first half rose significantly during that period.
From the hacker culture that surfaced when computers and the Internet were released from military supervision to the rise of tech-geniuses, Cyber-Proletariat contrasts popular conceptions of "IT" with the harsh realities of manufacturing and other occupations that populate the factories and consumer outlets of advanced capitalism. Now, the battleground for labour has extended to include the "sharing economy."
This paper explores technological change as a key component in driving this process and, in turn, how it is opening up emergent conflicts over education and employment within advanced capitalism. As Luc Boltanski & Eve Chiapello (1999) detail, in response to the crisis of Keynesian economic and bureaucratic organization in the 1960s and 1970s, the turn to market liberalism and knowledge economy in the 1980s and the 1990s was supposed provide a new terrain of personal empowerment, creativity, and meritocratic self-realization for workers, particularly those properly invested in developing their human capital through educational training.
One of the many things I dislike about advanced capitalism is how inefficient it is.
It never falls, seeming instead to have achieved some otherworldly equilibrium: an illusion of invincibility that is perhaps meant to mimic that which has led to the rapaciousness of advanced capitalism. Ultimately, Mangan's project is a reminder that the flows of finance are indivisible from the energy that flows from the sun.
Buechler in his book, 'Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism', grievances alone are not enough to create movements.

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