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Adwa (äˈdwä), Aduwa, or Adowa (both: äˈdəwä), Ital. Adua, town, Tigray region, N Ethiopia. Lying on the highway between Aksum and Adigrat, Adwa is an agricultural trade center. Adwa was the most important commercial center of Tigray in the 19th cent., but declined in the 1870s as a result of the dislocation caused by the fighting between Ethiopia and Egypt. In 1896, Adwa was the site of the battle in which Menelik II decisively defeated Italian invaders and forced them out of Ethiopia.


See R. Jonas, The Battle of Adwa (2011).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



city in northern Ethiopia, in Tigre Province. Located at an elevation of 2,000 m. A road junction, Aduwa has a population of 12,500 (1965). It is a center of trade in grain, oilseed, and hides; handicrafts include leatherworking and weaving.

Just outside Aduwa, on March 1, 1896, during the Italo-Ethiopian War of 1895–96, Ethiopian troops under Negus Menelik II routed an Italian expeditionary force sent to Aduwa. Italy was forced to cut short its aggression against Ethiopia.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


, Adowa
a town in N Ethiopia: Emperor Menelik II defeated the Italians here in 1896. Pop.: 17 476 (1989 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
'Elementary School Daura is totally different from Mai Aduwa, their locations are totally different.
The population in the neighbourhood is growing by day, tml" target="_blankeconomic times are becoming tougher yet we hear each day that monies are being stolen by the corrupt in the government," he laments.Mr Aduwa is one of the millions of Nairobians who walk to work, either because they cannot afford fares or due to the disorganised nature of the public transport system.
In his remarks, Malam Yusuf Mai' Aduwa, one the leaders of the delegation, thanked Nigerians for giving the President a second mandate to lead the country, stressing that he would not let the country down.
In his remarks, Hon Yusuf Bello Mai' Aduwa, one the leaders of the delegation, thanked Nigerians for giving the President a second mandate to lead the country for another four years, stressing that he will not let the country down.