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voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man or woman and a partner other than the legal spouse
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


unknowingly commits adultery when Jupiter impersonates her husband. [Rom. Lit.: Amphitryon]
betrays old husband amusingly with her lodger, Nicholas. [Br. Lit.: Canterbury Tales, “Miller’s Tale”]
Andermatt, Christiane
eventually has child by lover, not husband. [Fr. Lit.: Mont-Oriol, Magill I, 618–620]
pressured by David to commit adultery during husband’s absence. [O.T.: II Samuel 11:4]
Bloom, Molly
sensual wife of Leopold has an affair with Blazes Boylan. [Irish Lit.: Joyce Ulysses in Magill I, 1040]
Bovary, Emma
acquires lovers to find rapture marriage lacks. [Fr. Lit.: Madame Bovary, Magill I, 539–541]
Brant, Capt. Adam
fatefully falls for general’s wife. [Am. Lit.: Mourning Becomes Electra]
Buchanan, Tom
even with Daisy’s knowledge, deliberately has affairs. [Am. Lit.: The Great Gatsby]
Chatterley, Connie
takes the gameskeeper of her impotent husband as her lover. [Br. Lit.: D. H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley’s Lover in Benét, 559]
takes Aegisthus as paramour. [Gk. Lit.: Orestes]
group of ten husbands sleep with each others’ wives. [Am. Lit.: Weiss, 108]
amours with Sordello while married to first husband. [Br. Lit.: Sordello]
symbol of infidelity. [Flower Symbolism: Jobes, 398]
de Lamare, Julien
Jeanne’s young philandering husband, who has affairs with her foster-sister and their neighbor’s wife. [Fr. Lit.: Maupassant A Woman’s Life in Magill I, 1127]
Dimmesdale, Rev. Arthur
Puritan minister who commits adultery. [Am. Lit.: Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter]
King Arthur’s unfaithful wife. [Br. Lit.: Le Morte d’Arthur]
insatiable husband plays the field. [Am. Lit.: Herzog]
Julia, Donna
Alfonso’s wife; gives herself to Don Juan. [Br. Lit.: “Don Juan” in Magill I, 217–219]
Karenina, Anna
commits adultery with Count Vronsky; scandalizes Russian society. [Russ. Lit.: Anna Karenina]
enters into an adulterous relationship with Guinevere. [Br. Lit.: Malory Le Mort d’Arthur]
Mannon, Christine
conspires with lover to poison husband; discovered, commits suicide. [Am. Lit.: Mourning Becomes Electra]
personification of adultery. [Br. Lit.: The Purple Island, Brewer Handbook, 715]
Pozdnishef, Madame
bored with husband, acquires Trukhashevsky as lover. [Russ. Lit.: The Kreutzer Sonata, Magill I, 481–483]
Prynne, Hester
adulterous woman in Puritan New England; condemned to wear a scarlet letter. [Am. Lit.: The Scarlet Letter]
scarlet letter
“A” for “adultery” sewn on Hester Prynne’s dress. [Am. Lit.: The Scarlet Letter]
after Nedda’s repulsion, tells husband of her infidelities. [Ital. Opera: Leoncavallo, Pagliacci, Westerman, 341–342]
Wicked Bible
misprint gives Commandment: “Thou shalt commit adultery.” [sic] [Br. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 108]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Many people seem to have dreams about committing adultery or about their spouse committing adultery (cheating or being cheated on). In this dictionary there is a definition for cheating and here I will add a few more thoughts about this dream topic. Many dreams come from the private unconscious and are a reflection on thoughts, fears, desires, or issues, or are a response to stressful or anxiety provoking situations. The details of the dream need to be considered before attempting an interpretation. Details such as who is cheating on whom and what are the circumstances surrounding this dream event need to be established. At times people have dreams about cheating on their spouses as a response to a long and monogamous relationship. The dream may be a compensation for boredom, monotony, or unhappiness. On the other hand, the dream could be about you connecting to deeper parts of self, which is represented by a desirable person of the opposite sex. On rare occasions a person may suspect, or feel on some level, that their mate is not faithful but is not willing to admit this consciously. Thus, in the dream state the individual confronts his fears and from there may begin to deal with the situation on a conscious level.
Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar Copyright © 2007 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Bobby" Zirkin, D-Baltimore County and committee chair, said that he agrees it's "ridiculous" to have the crime of adultery on the books but added that he wants to explore a broader conversation about removing adultery as a ground for divorce and a consideration in monetary awards.
Adultery in Virginia can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the relationships between, and the ages of, the parties.
The petitioner told the court that that the Bible only allows levelling allegations of adultery as grounds for divorce.
Women could not file a complaint under the archaic law nor be held liable for adultery themselves, making it solely the realm of men.
On May 27, 1985 in Sowmithri Vishnu versus Union of India, a three-judge bench headed by then CJI Y.V.Chandrachud dismissed a petition challenging the validity of section 497 of IPC, which dealt with the offence of adultery. Then the Court said, "It is better, from the point of view of the interests of the society, that at least a limited class of adulterous relationship is punishable by law.
They had expected the court to make Section 497 gender-neutral, criminalising adultery both for men and women, instead of creating a gateway to polygamy.
"If the act is treated as an offence and punishment is provided, it would tantamount to punishing people who are unhappy in marital relationships and any law that would make adultery a crime would have to punish indiscriminately both the persons whose marriages have been broken down as well as those persons whose marriages are not," the judgement said.
Mere adultery can't be a crime, unless it attracts the scope of Section 306 (abetment to suicide) of the IPC, the court further added.
Jesus is aware of the reasons why some people commit adultery. People do not use their eyes, hands, or bodies properly, which then become instruments of sin.
Advocate Sheraz Zaka, who was counsel for the petitioner in the impugned judgement, also argued that by the restoration of section 7 of Divorce Act other reasonable grounds were now available and men no longer needed to falsely impute the charge of adultery upon their wives in order to seek divorce from a court.
But the number of people citing adultery as the reason has fallen by 74% among couples since 1986, to 48,211 cases.
behaviour, long-te are a thd But the number of people citing adultery as the reason has fallen by 74% among couples since 1986, to 48,211 cases.