
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city under oblast jurisdiction in Krasnovodsk Oblast, Turkmen SSR. Located in the southern foothills of the Bol’shoi Balkhan Range. Railroad station on the Krasnovodsk-Mary line; a spur runs to the settlement of Dvadtsati Shesti Bakinskikh Komissarov Imeni. Population, 61,000 (1974; 33,000 in 1959).

Nebit-Dag grew up in 1933 in connection with the beginning of oil extraction. It has been a city since 1946. It is a center of the oil and natural-gas industry. The city has machine-repair, iodine, and meat-packing plants and a poultry farm. There is also a state regional electric power plant. The city’s educational institutions include the Turkmen State Research and Planning Institute of Petroleum, an evening department of the Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry, and a petroleum technicum.


Doronina, R. I. Nebit-Dag—oazis Kara-Kumov. Moscow, 1972.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Other large cities include Chardzhou (195,000), Tashauz (140,000), Mary (115,000), and Nebit-Dag (105,000).
Other large cities include Chardzhou (165,000), Tashauz (115,000), Mary (95,000), Nebit-Dag (87,000).
The second contract is for construction of a 500MW gas power station at Nebit-Dag.
Other large cities include Chardzhou (185,000), Tashauz (135,000), Mary (115,000), and Nebit-Dag (105,000).