Borland AppServer

(redirected from Inprise Application Server)

Borland AppServer

An earlier Web-based application server for Windows NT/2000 and Unix from Borland that was built on top of the popular VisiBroker CORBA ORB infrastructure. Introduced in 1998, the product was the key component of Borland's Enterprise Server suite. The AppServer Edition was Java EE compliant and supported EJBs, JSPs, plus the SOAP and JMX servlet standards. It fully integrated with Borland's JBuilder Java development environment and its Application Lifecycle Management system. See VisiBroker.
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UUNET, a UK provider of Internet services for business, has selected Inprise/Borland's Inprise application server for its new global engineering database.
Based on open industry standards, Inprise Application Server provides a foundation for customers to deploy industrial-strength Internet applications with support for Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) and CORBA technology.
New features of Inprise Application Server 4.1 include: Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) support.
At the Intel Developer Forum, Inprise/Borland (Nasdaq: INPR) announced that Inprise/Borland will port its Borland(R) JBuilder, Inprise Application Server, VisiBroker(R) for Java(R) and JDataStore for platforms based on the Intel(R) Itanium processor.
To find more information about the Inprise Application Server, check out:
The Developer Kit will enable Borland(R) JBuilder, Inprise Application Server and VisiBroker(R) customers to build, deploy and manage enterprise applications for the Linux, Solaris(R) and Windows operating systems (OS), using the latest Java(R) technology.