INPRInstitute for National Policy Research (Taipei, Taiwan)
INPRIdaho Northern & Pacific Railroad
INPRInventory Project Report
INPRInstitute for Natural Products Research (University of Georgia)
INPRInternational Network on Personal Relationships
INPRIn Nomine Paranormal Research
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With our model, we could find no statistical relationship between InPr and either explanatory variable; nor could we identify any statistical relationship between InCRRS and either InUr or InNer.
At the Intel Developer Forum, Inprise/Borland (Nasdaq: INPR) announced that Inprise/Borland will port its Borland(R) JBuilder, Inprise Application Server, VisiBroker(R) for Java(R) and JDataStore for platforms based on the Intel(R) Itanium processor.
Paper presented at the 2nd Joint Conference of lSSPR and INPR, Brisbane, Australia.
$1,785 69.7% RealNetworks RNWK $131,242 $26,466 20.2% $6,579 75.1% Omnis Technology OMNS $6,210 $1,212 19.5% $ 277 77.1% Phoenix PTEC $125,826 $22,500 17.9% $18,344 18.5% Allaire ALLR $55,163 $9,608 17.4% $7,480 22.1% Media 100 MDEA $51,479 $8,855 17.2% n/a n/a Novell NOVL $1,272,820 $180,710 14.2% n/a n/a Inprise INPR $174,806 $24,256 13.9% $22,676 6.5% White Pine WPNE $12,002 $1,287
Inprise/Borland (Nasdaq: INPR) announced that it is licensing the IBM(R) Developer Kit for Linux(R), Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.