Amasis II

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Amasis II

Amasis II, d. 525 B.C., king of ancient Egypt (569–525 B.C.), of the XXVI dynasty. In a military revolt he dethroned Apries. He erected temples and other buildings at Memphis and Saïs and encouraged Greek merchants and artisans to settle at Naucratis. He also established alliances with Greek leaders and maintained his rule partly with the aid of Greek mercenaries. Amasis II died just before the Persian invasion (525 B.C.) under Cambyses. His name also appears as Ahmose II.
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So, the head of a bust of Pharaoh Amasis II (570-526 BC) is layered into a contemporary woman's face (a Japanese woman, going by the name) in a portrait called Amasis / Nahoko (2014).