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References in classic literature ?
Now in the generality of free states, the governors and the governed alternately change place; for an equality without any preference is what nature chooses; however, when one governs and another is governed, she endeavours that there should be a distinction between them in forms, expressions, and honours; according to what Amasis said of his laver.
The section on Cambises' eight-year reign (530-522 bce) discusses his decision to invade Egypt as a result of his rage against Amasis's treachery.
There, it has been customary to group together unattributed art works that have stylistic features in common and to assign them a name of convenience (e.g., Amasis Painter, Master of Athens 581, Master of the Fussener Altarpiece, Amico di Sandro) based upon some favorite subject, supposed place of origin, significant work, or relationship to a known artist.
canal (2.158); and Amasis's remarkable temples to Athena,
So we should be humble and not overestimate the 'sacred', as the author invites us to with the following example: Amasis became a pharaoh, a living god, only through a change of social status comparable to the change that, by reworking the material, turned a gold bowl used for foot-washing into the image of a god before which all bowed down (pp.
The Amasis Painter and His World" Vase-Painting in Sixth-Century B.C.
The Newsletter on Newsletters uses Amasis for body text (chosen for its nostalgic resemblance to the Courier New that most newsletters used for almost 30 years) and Arial for headlines.
Apries, of course, is Louis XVI, victim of the wrath of his subjects, while the usurper, Amasis, represents the Jacobins who governed under the Reign of Terror.