Wikisource:Community portal

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Community portal

Wikisource is an online library of free-content texts. Wikisource is maintained by a community of 3,133,120 registered users—371 of them have made edits in the last thirty days. If you want to join our community, just create an account and start editing.

Community pages


Chat: The following chat channels are bridged together:

Proofreading statistics

Page Status Count
Validated 646,771 (2,010 texts)
Proofread 1,263,637 (7,510 texts)
Problematic 44,913
Not proofread 1,062,299
Without text 250,082

This table shows the total numbers of pages currently in the five categories of the Page namespace.

Improve and maintain





Match and split:


Add images:


Add tables:


Split into different works:


Split into sections:


Move sections to subpages: No pages meet these criteria.(more...)


The Monthly Challenge for July contains 79 works. You can help by reading the guide and contributing to the current challenge.
This month:
  • Pages processed: 1293 (43.1% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 144
  • Yesterday: 89

Last month:
  • Pages processed: 3826 (127.5% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 128

The current Proofread of the Month is The Heart of Jainism (1915) by Margaret Stevenson.

Recent collaborations: The Silent Prince, A Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, The Tower, Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, The Story of the Flute, The Art of Kissing, Frenzied Fiction, Napoleon, Doom of the Great City, The Ocean and its Wonders

The current Maintenance of the Month task is OCR fixes

Recent collaborations: Missing images, Work licensing Work index revision, Orphans, Proposed policies and guidelines, Author page connection with Wikidata items