Dungeon Hunter 5 Wiki
Dungeon Hunter 5 Wiki

Each weapon and piece of armor has a history of iterations and modifications. Using the mystical powers imbued in Evolution Materials, weapons and armor that have maxed out their levels can be evolved into better versions !

Below are the general items required for Superfusion:

*T6 weapon and armor evolution materials updated!

(*Updating in progress!)

Armor Evolution

This section includes regular non-Wanted Challenge armors. All evolution materials can be obtained from the daily dungeons between Tuesday to Thursday.

For evolution materials of Elemental Crystals, Dragon Teeth, Hydra Scales, Imp Claws and Demon Horns, these are element-specific to the gear's element (ie. Diresmoke Armor needs Fire Demon Horns to evolve)

Tier 1 to Tier 2

  • 2 Dragon Tooth

Tier 2 to Tier 3

  • 3 Hydra Scale
  • 1 Ancient Trinket

Tier 3 to Tier 4

  • 2 Imp Claws
  • 1 Ancient Relic
  • 2 Ancient Artifacts
  • 1 Elemental Crystal OR 2 T4-update exclusive items (see below)

Tier 4 to Tier 5

  • 1 Demon Horn
  • 1 Ancient Relic
  • 2 Chromatic Crystals
  • 2 Elemental Crystals OR 2 T5-update exclusive items (see below)

Tier 5 to Tier 6

(series 1 & 2 items only!)

  • 5 Demon Horns
  • 30 Medallions (for series 1); 32 Medallions (for series 2)
  • 30 Chromatic Crystals (for series 1); 32 Medallion (for series 2)
  • 3 Elemental Crystals

Armor Evolution (Wanted Challenge)

This section includes Wanted Challenge armors. These require Wanted Challenge exclusive evolution materials to evolve to the next tier and can only be obtained through getting a rank of 1-1,250 in the respective Wanted Challenge Events for evolution from Tier 3 to Tier 5, and a rank of 1-50 from Tier 5 to Tier 6.

For evolution materials of Elemental Crystals, Dragon Teeth, Hydra Scales, Imp Claws and Demon Horns, these are element-specific to the gear's element (ie. Red Judge Armor needs fire Demon Horns to evolve)

Tier 3 to Tier 4

  • 1 Demon Horn
  • 2 Ancient Relics
  • 1 Elemental Crystal
  • 1 Wanted Challenge exclusive evolution material

Tier 4 to Tier 5

  • 2 Demon Horns
  • 1 Ancient Relic
  • 2 Chromatic Crystals
  • 2 Wanted Challenge exclusive evolution material

Tier 5 to Tier 6

(only for series 1 Wanted Challenge armor)

  • 3 Demon Horns
  • 12 Medallions
  • 12 Chromatic Crystals
  • 1 T6-Wanted Challenge exclusive evolution material

Weapon Evolution

This section contains regular non-Wanted Challenge weapons. These items can be obtained from daily dungeons on Tuesday to Thursday.

For evolution materials of Elemental Crystals, Dragon Teeth, Hydra Scales, Imp Claws and Demon Horns, these are element-specific to the gear's element (ie. Meteor Sword needs Fire Demon Horns to evolve)

Tier 1 to Tier 2

  • 1 Dragon Tooth

Tier 2 to Tier 3

  • 1 Dragon Tooth
  • 2 Hydra Scales
  • 1 Ancient Trinket

Tier 3 to Tier 4

  • 1 Hydra Scale
  • 2 Imp Claws
  • 1 Ancient Artifact
  • 1 Elemental Crystal or 2 T4-update exclusive items (see below)

Tier 4 to Tier 5

  • 1 Demon Horn
  • 1 Ancient Relic
  • 1 Chromatic Crystal
  • 2 Elemental Crystals or 2 T5-update exclusive items (see below)

Tier 5 to Tier 6

(only for series 1 and 2 weapons)

  • 5 Demon Horns
  • 30 Medallions (for series 1); 32 Medallions (for series 2)
  • 30 Chromatic Crystals (for series 1); 32 Chromatic Crystals (for series 2)
Item Tier Evolution Material Relic Crystal Runestone Other


T3 to T4 1 Demon Horn;

1 Imp Claw

1 Chromatic Crystal
1 x WC


T4 to T5 1 Demon Horn 1 Ancient Relic 2 Chromatic Crystals
2 x WC


T5 to T6 3 Demon Horns 12 Medallions 12 Chromatic Crystals -NIL- 1 x T6-WC evo-mat

DH5 loadingHint evolution 01

DH5 loadingHint evolution 02

For Kenashi, Ashkardian and Adamant Gear, you will need special evolution materials to evolve your equipment. These materials can be obtained from the solo-missions in the Dream Portal.

  • Kenashi Gear - Kenashi Heirloom (Solo-Missions, Friday's Daily Dungeon)
  • Ashkardian Gear - Lamps (Solo-Missions)
  • Adamant Gear - Helmets (Solo-Missions)