Dungeon Hunter 5 Wiki
Dungeon Hunter 5 Wiki
Possible Variations Evolution How to obtain?

Floodswep armor
Icon element water 
Tier / Max Tier
3 / 3
Max Level

Possible Variations

Variation 1
Main Base Max
Armor 517 867
Properties Base Max
Greatsword Damage 8 8
Run Speed 1 50
Dodge Chance 8 8

Variation 2
Main Base Max
Armor 497 833
Properties Base Max
Dual Blade Damage 8 8
Fear Reflect 2 2
Dodge Chance 8 8

Variation 3
Main Base Max
Armor 487 816
Properties Base Max
Glaive Damage 8 8
Hp Bonus 5 5
Dodge Chance 8 8

Variation 4
Main Base Max
Armor 507 507
Properties Base Max
Crossbow Damage 8 8
Health/Kill 30 38
Dodge Chance 8 8

Variation 5
Main Base Max
Armor 527 884
Properties Base Max
Weapon Staff Bonus 8 8
Attack 46 78
Dodge Chance 8 8


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Stormbreaker armor
Floodswep armor
Stormbreaker Armor Floodsweep Armor No next evolution

How to evolve?

No evolution possible for this item

How to obtain?

You can obtain this item from the following source :

✅ Mission of the same element
X Bounty Chest
X Gold Gear Chest
X Special Events
✅ Evolution