

PrBoom+ logo.png
Standard Doom, Boom, MBF
Codebase PrBoom
Developer(s) Andrey Budko (entryway), Christoph Oelckers (Graf Zahl), Fabian Greffrath
Initial release
Latest release 2.6.66 (2023-06-20, 12 months ago)
Development status Discontinued
Written in C
Target Platform Cross-Platform
License GNU General Public License v2+
Source Repository



PrBoom+ (also PrBoom-plus) is a source port based on PrBoom. GLBoom+ is a common name for a build of PrBoom+ compiled with OpenGL support. It is developed by Andrey Budko (entryway).

PrBoom+ is based on the PrBoom 2.5.x line of development. It can currently be compiled in POSIX, Windows and Mac OS X environments. The project saw its first developments in 2004, starting off as an unnamed PrBoom modification, but after gaining numerous additions over PrBoom it eventually adopted the separate PrBoom+ title in 2005.

Since version, PrBoom+ is released with support for the UMAPINFO standard, retaining the same name, but visually separated in version number with the letters um, referring to the initials of the standard.

Since version 2.6um, released February 9, 2021, GLBoom+ is unified in a single executable called PrBoom+. The last version of GLBoom+ as a separate executable is, released June 16, 2019.

The last update of active development was version 2.6.2, released on February 11, 2022. On June 20, 2023, maintenance version 2.6.66 was released which collects all changes committed after development discontinued. Three days later, the GitHub repository was archived.[1]

PrBoom+ features[edit]

In addition to all PrBoom features, PrBoom+ offers:

  • Chasecam for demo playbacks
  • Changing the speed of the game in-game (for demo playback, recoding TAS demos, and for just playing at different speed)
  • Automatic loading of WADs necessary for playback, chosen by demo name or by information present in demo file (if recorded with PrBoom+)
  • Accurate Doom v1.2 emulation if needed during demo playback or requested by user
  • Support for DeePBSP and ZDBSP extended nodes
  • Support for the MUSINFO lump shared with Risen3D, ZDoom and GZDoom
  • MIDI output with OPL emulation, FluidSynth, PortMidi, or SDL
  • Ogg Vorbis and MP3 playback
  • Speed optimisations for very large levels, compared to PrBoom
  • Customizable HUD with the -PRBHUD- lump
  • Video capture with the -viddump parameter (requires external programs)
  • Support for jumping when not recording demos
  • Optional free look (though, by default, aiming is not affected and autoaim behaves as if the line of sight remained horizontal. Free aim can be enabled when not recording demos)

OpenGL mode features[edit]

In OpenGL mode PrBoom+ offers three rendering paths:

  • OpenGL 2.0. The shader mode. This includes support for shaders using the ARB assembly language.
  • OpenGL 1.2 (Will detect OpenGL 1.3 as well)

Both these are considered the main support levels. One additional rendering path is also supported:

  • OpenGL 1.1. This is used as a compatibility mode in case the videocard does not support the previously mentioned render paths.

In addition to all aforementioned PrBoom+ features, in OpenGL mode PrBoom+ can also use:

  • ZDoom-style high-resolution textures/flats/sprites (replacements located between HI_START and HI_END markers)
  • Support for PNG and DDS formats for high-res textures
  • GZDoom-style skyboxes through the GLDEFS lump (or its alias GLBDEFS)
  • Optional animation blending for animated flats and textures, similar to ZDoomGL (v1)
  • Details textures (also defined in GLDEFS lump)
  • Optional textured automap

Detail texture definition[edit]

A detail texture is defined in a GLDEFS text lump. The syntax is as follows:

  (walls | flats) [default_detail_name [width [height [offset_x [offset_y]]]]]
    texture_name [detail_name [width [height [offset_x [offset_y]]]]]

Where detail_name is a bmp/png/tga/jpg/pcx/gif lump between the HI_START/HI_END markers. You do not need to add the texture to TEXTURES1. Default values are (width:16 height:16 offset_x:0 offset_y:0)


  walls smooth01 32.0 //default detail for walls (width = 32, height = 16, offset_x/y = 0)
    brick7  detstone 64.0 64 10.532
    brick8  detail02 // detail02 16 16 0 0
    water1 // do not apply default detail to water
  flats // no default detail for flats
    grass1 Grass01 32 32
    NUKAGE1 detslime 16 16 0 0 // different offsets for animated flats make sense
    NUKAGE2 detslime 16 16 4 4
    NUKAGE3 detslime 16 16 8 8


Version was released as a test version by the PrBoom+ team, but was also the first official release of PrBoom+ with UMAPINFO support. Initially created by Graf Zahl, his branch was first built upon PrBoom+, with a first release on April 22, 2017.

Since, every version since of PrBoom is of the UMAPINFO branch, with the original creator of PrBoom+, Andrey Budko (entryway) declaring it as its successor.


PrBoom+rt is a fork of PrBoom+ by sultim-t which adds ray-tracing support (shadows, dynamic lighting, bloom, etc.) The fork only has Ultimate Doom support as of 2023 but Doom II and Final Doom support is expected to be added in the future. The fork is also only compatible with Nvidia and AMD graphics cards.[2] The fork adds a realtime flashlight to make up for darker areas, toggled by pressing f. The releases page says you can optionally download nvngx_dlss.dll from Nvidia's DLSS GitHub repository. It also recommends you to download sultim-t's RayTracedGL1 version 1.1.1 and unzip the file. You can also download the Roland SC-55 boosted OGG tracks from and copy the MUSIC folder to the port's directory. The port has support for classic open-gl rendering. Software rendering was replaced by ray tracing in the fork. There might be some performance issues in rt mode without using DLSS or AMD FSR. The fork, much like its base, is no longer supported.

Compatibility modes[edit]

PrBoom+ supports various compatibility settings to adjust its behavior, much like those initially implemented for MBF. In addition to individual settings for each difference in behavior, it allows the user to set compatibility levels to behave like earlier versions and modifications of the Doom engine. With the compatibility levels PrBoom+ may provide almost flawless compatibility with regular demos, as well as those recorded with Boom engines.

To change compatibility levels, the cheat code tntcomp can be used ingame. The game can also be launched with the -complevel parameter, or with default_compatibility_level in the config file, followed by one of the following numbers:

Level Emulated engine
-1 Engine defaults ("current version")
0 Doom v1.2 (note: flawed in PrBoom; requires PrBoom+ or later)
1 Doom v1.666
2 Doom v1.9
3 Ultimate Doom & Doom95
4 Final Doom
5 DOSDoom
6 TASDoom
7 Boom's inaccurate vanilla compatibility mode
8 Boom v2.01
9 Boom v2.02
10 LxDoom
11 MBF
12 PrBoom v2.03beta
13 PrBoom v2.1.0
14 PrBoom v2.1.1 - 2.2.6
15 PrBoom v2.3.x
16 PrBoom v2.4.0
17 Engine defaults ("current version")
21 MBF21 (note: requires DSDA-Doom)
  • If a custom WAD has "BOOM compatible" in its description, use "9 - Boom v2.02".
  • If a custom WAD has "MBF compatible" in its description, use "11 - MBF".


See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Christoph Oelckers (23 June 2023). "prboom-plus." GitHub. Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  2. sultim-t (26 April 2022). "prboom-plus-rt 1.0.7 release." GitHub. Retrieved 27 July 2023.

Source code genealogy
Based on Name Base for
PrBoom PrBoom+ DSDA-Doom