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  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    I mean good for you but I'm just pointing out you can also change the key in the ENT config as you said, I quote:

    "who thought it would be a good idea, to bind the native trainer key to the SHVDN one"

    so that was my reply. You don't have to stick to the default key. It's F4 because that was the default for AB's native trainer, but that doesn't mean you have to use it like that.

    5 hours ago
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    You can also change ENT's open key in the config.

    11 hours ago
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    Install it like any other ASI mod - put the .asi file in your GTA install folder as well as the folder in the zip.

    Are you using any other mods? You can also check the log ENT makes in the Enhanced Native Trainer folder.

    If the crash is still happening after you've reset the DB then it's either a mod conflict or something's broken in your game. There isn't anything left in ENT to cause a crash once you 'factory reset' it.

    It should as ENT auto-generates the list for you. As long as the DLC is installed, it'll work.

    vor einem Tag
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    We can look into it at some point. If they're MK2 then that may be a bit difficult as that functionality is a bit rushed in ENT (that's my bad). Baseball bats should be a bit easier if they use a similar system to the knuckles.

    10. Juli 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar
    Fixierter Kommentar

    Enhanced Native Trainer: Update 54.0

    * Added new Bounty weapon & vehicle previews.
    Contributions wholly thanks to Slash_Alex:-

    * Added a 'Fort Zancudo Carrier' landmark location.
    * Added a 'Vinewood Club Garage' interior.
    * Added a 'Davis Bail Office' interior.
    * Added some peds.
    * Added two new Halloween weathers.
    * Added some missing vehicles previews.

    * Fixed a bug in the 'Load Extra Map Stuff Automatically' option (update your ent-config.xml file).
    * Fixed a nasty bug in the 'Airbrake' feature.

    Known Bugs:-
    * Some of the weapon tints (namely MK1 tints) use the incorrect name in ENT. This is a side effect of using the in-game names.

    If you're having issues with ENT crashing on start up - try loading JUST ENT and seeing if the crash continues. If it does you can turn off options using DB Browser to open up ENT's settings database -> Browse data -> feature enablements in the drop down and setting the respective value to 0 or 1.

    You could also rename the DB and get ENT to make a new one.

    You can find ENT's settings DB by putting the following into an explorer window:-

    %appdata%\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer

    10. Juli 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    Or Menyoo and Simple Native. Nothing is stopping you from co-loading a bunch of menus as each one offers different things.

    I've been ill and both Alex and I work full time jobs so working on ENT is more a 'spare time' kind of deal, which we're doing when we can.

    Besides it's always good to experiment with other menus while ENT is being updated as you can still play with ENT as all the new vehicles etc are still present. Other menus can help fill the gap like with the interiors while we update ENT with them.

    @slash_alex would be the one to ask for that as he developed that feature.

    2. Juli 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    I haven't checked yet but I've heard a handful of the vehicles are essentially placeholders for consoles/don't exist properly on the PC.

    We're working on it.

    29. Juni 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    @ardipahlawan88 @Vayneofhate @Vunkol2
    You can either rename your ent.db file to reset ENT or see if it's a mod conflict by removing other mods and trying again.

    Not without modifying the script responsible for removing them from you.

    That's likely because the game version you're running either doesn't have the DLC file with the new stations (corrupt dlc.xml file for example) or the game bugged out.

    You can disable that option by either renaming your ent.db file and getting ENT to remake it or use a tool like DB browser to open the .db file, go to the Browse data -> dropdown and select 'feature enablement', find the radio line and set the value to 0. Save the DB. The DB is in: %appdata%\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer

    12. Juni 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    You'll want to open the .db file using a tool like DB Browser (the DB file is under your Appdata/roaming folder). In DB Browser you can select the "features" from the table drop down. You can then change the enabled options to disabled/enabled to disable/enable options in ENT.

    23. April 2024
  • Df5e9e censored avatar

    I suspect it's the Load Online map causing the issue. We're using R*'s own native for that, but I suspect they've put in a clause to keep the game trying to load the SP map in a loop (which ENT tries to stop - then crashes).

    @yourfriendnashawn @Bizz91 @mrgoodguy
    It should still work - the changes were Online specific.

    23. April 2024