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Announcements at Google I/O 2024

Announcements at Google I/O

Google I/O ‘24 is a wrap. If you didn’t have a chance to attend, watch the video below to hear a recap of all of the things that we announced (or if you have limited time, check out the YouTube short).

The power of Checks is now available to all Android and iOS Developers

The power of Checks is now available to all Android and iOS Developers

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Achieving privacy compliance with your CI/CD: A guide for compliance teams

Achieving privacy compliance with your CI/CD

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3 things privacy professionals should consider at the intersection of AI and data protection

3 things privacy professionals should consider at the intersection of AI and data protection

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Navigating AI Safety & Compliance: A guide for CTOs

Navigating AI Safety & Compliance: A guide for CTOs

The rapid advances in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) have brought about transformative opportunities across many industries. However, these advances have raised concerns about risks, such as privacy, misuse, bias, and unfairness. Responsible development and deployment is, therefore, a must...

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Early thoughts on AI safety & compliance: transformation, transparency & trust

Early thoughts on AI safety & compliance: transformation, transparency & trust

The world stands on the threshold of another industrial revolution, one fueled by the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). Just as steam engines and electricity revolutionized industries in the past, AI is poised to reshape every aspect of our lives, from the way we work to the way we interact with the world around us. From healthcare and education to transportation, manufacturing, and beyond. AI's potential applications are as vast as they are transformative...

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Checks, Google’s AI-powered privacy platform

Checks, Google’s AI-powered privacy platform

We’re committed to helping companies build privacy-first digital products. Ensuring that user privacy is protected is essential for building trust with consumers. In fact, a recent McKinsey poll found that 40% of people have stopped doing business with companies that have violated digital trust. We’ve heard firsthand how time-consuming and costly it is for companies to keep up with evolving regulatory requirements, even with dedicated teams and resources. That's why we’re excited to announce that Checks is now a fully integrated Google product...

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