AI safety
with Checks

AI Safety

Build AI responsibly from the start by aligning your implementation with custom
policies and regulations.

Mitigate risk proactively

Icon for Observability, testing, & monitoring Observability, testing, & monitoring

Mitigate risk


Unified, real-time reporting on generative AI models gives insights on performance, behavior, and safety. Give your cross-functional teams the tools to better audit and manage risk.

Customize policies

Icon for Policy blocks & customization Policy blocks & customization

Customize policies

for your model

Flexible custom-defined safeguards and off-the-shelf content safety policies support each organization’s unique needs, principles, and regulatory compliance when using generative AI at scale.

Checks technical control center

Icon for Manage AI safety and compliance from one tool Manage AI safety and compliance from one tool

Your AI governance

command center

A single technical control center for governing AI models by evaluating data going into AI models, performance, and data coming out. Reports and insights into your models’ performance as they improve over time.

Launch safely and confidently

Icon for Increasing safety in the AI that powers your products Increasing safety in the AI that powers your products

Launch safely and


Apply best practices such as adversarial testing and generative AI tool kits to ensure your models comply with your company policies.

Improve your model safety with learnings from Checks

Icon for Improve your model safety with learnings from Checks Improve your model safety with learnings from Checks

Actionable results
for your team

Apply the results of your analyses so that your team can apply learnings and improve the quality of your AI implementations in future versions.

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