Re: [Old Report] Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Cr

by EA_Shepard

Original Post

Re: Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Crash

Community Manager

@leomagg Hey thanks for the update on this. I have not seen much around GF being an issue really. I can pass this along though to see if anyone has an idea on this one but either way, it is a good call out.


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Message 81 of 85 (2,195 Views)

Re: Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Crash

★★★★ Novice

New Nvidia driver out v536.99, should fix the issue according to the release notes.

Message 82 of 85 (2,009 Views)

Re: Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Crash

Community Manager

@BR-RedEagle wrote:

New Nvidia driver out v536.99, should fix the issue according to the release notes.

This is what I am hoping for myself. If they do not let us know!




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Message 83 of 85 (1,994 Views)

Re: Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Crash

★★★★ Apprentice

I played 34 hours total of Dead Space Remake earlier this year with smooth, great graphcs, never a crash. It ran like a AAA game should.


There was an issue a few months back with NVDIA drivers. This didn't affect me as I didn't install new drivers - for that reason only. Now that's solved I have the very latest installed.


Now it is October 2023. My problems started around a month ago. I launch the game from EA desktop, it get through the compiling shaders fine. Arrive at main menu. Then, within 1 minute (last time was about 2 seconds - after shaders  fully compiled) the game hard freezes. The ONLY way to get out is to force shut down by holding PC start button 4 seconds.  The keyboard, controller etc are totally frozen. Literally that is the only way. Then when I turn the PC on again, all is fine (at desktop or any program/ game except DSRemake. There is NO record anywhere, event viewer etc of anything happening.


My system was top notch when I built it in 2020. It can still play all and every game high settings (That's over 400 games, mostly on Steam. After this Hard Freeze/ lock issue I tested  the demanding newish ones and all fine)


I played DeadSpace Remake 34 hours and never any trouble at all. Until 1 month or six weeks ago.  Below, my Specs:


(Asus Strix RTS 3080i OC gaming edition. i9-9900ks cpu. 32GB G.Skill Trident DDR4 at 3,600Mhz AsRock Phantom gaming 9 mother board.)


So in summary EA Desktop works fine. Launching the game good. I completes compiling the shaders and starts as is default in the menu. Then before even playing it totally HARD/FREEZES with a forced PC shutdown the only way to get out of the Frozen screen.


My Question is only one as my PC is well maintained, I've done all the normal trouble shooting - repair game, DISM and SFC and other things. Makes no difference, and everything works great, including   other EA  games launched from EA Desktop app!


Question: This game was pulled from sales in Japan at (about) the sametime my problems started.  PC gamers who already had the game were not listed as to be affected.


I am Brit but work in Japan, my EA account is in English, defaults to the USA store. My Japanese Credit card works fine - Actually all is fine with my PC and my EA App and everything else on my PC except for Total unescapable HARD/FREEZE just after shaders finish with DSRemake.  Cannot play at all.


Anyone else experienced similar?


Mr. Shepard, Forum Boss/moderator I hope you see this. You try and help folks and put a lot of time and effort in helping folks. I don't envy you though because it seems other departments at EA don't answer tech questions which I know you pass on.


I think probably no one has a solution, even Mr. Shepard. This is to do with marketing/compliance dept. I assume. But maybe the tech dept too, not my business.


So by elimination of other issues, that's what I am left with. I cannot say for sure it's been banned even for people who payed and played legit before CERO (Censorship board) banned SALES. It only says sales. If so, it's very poor that EA have not contacted me about this. (I have asked CS). I am not demanding a refund, but I want to know if I am correct, and why an installed and already played game simply do not work at all. Could be a simple fix?


Disclosure: One trouble shooting method I have not tried is changing/deleting items from the REGISTRY. Could be that, but feels so final and so total freeze it is almost as if it were not a tech issue? But by design. I would just like to know.


So Mr. Shepard any idea?   Anyone else (who lives in Japan I guess) experienced this.

Message 84 of 85 (1,535 Views)

Re: [Old Report] Dead Space Remake Freezing computer / DirectX Error / Driver Cr

Community Manager

Hey Everyone

As this thread is a bit old at this point, things have changed and been updated, we are going to lock this down so that we can prevent any necro-posting.

If you run into any further issues please create a new thread or add your information to an existing thread so we can begin tracking accordingly!



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Message 85 of 85 (211 Views)


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