Future of map realeses

by DiamondBeuti588

Original Post

Future of map realeses

★★ Novice

I was wondering if respawn thinking about changing how they release maps because when storm point released 1 map had to stay out then a year later broken moon released then 2 maps had to be out of rotation my point is if they going to release a map every year in 2026 5 maps will be out that's a lot of maps especially. In the year 2031 if apex last that long it will be 10 maps out of rotation i know there was no new map in 2023 except for moderate map changes like (worlds edge storm point) other than that my suggestion or theory would be that if respawn wants to avoid the potential future of to many maps out of rotation they can do a evolution state to maps witch they already do but not on a major major scale like take it to another level scale and first map that should happen to should be worlds edge for example most player probably don't realize or know that there is a active giant volcano in the background with dark smoke in the sky you can see part of the map when were on the ship were passing a RIVER OF LAVA XD let that sink in there's even a water fall of lava what site to see any ways those are the example so the question is for devs  if they question what could change worlds edge for ever the answer has been in the game for years THE VOLCANO lol im pretty sure volcanos are very dangerous even yo can make major map changes based of that volcano every time i look at it when sky diving wundering when that volcano ever going to erupt on major scale in apex one can only imagine the wonders of how maps can evolve including storm point welp its a nice dream that being said i was just wondering since in 2026 will be 5 maps out  it will increase every year i was just wondering because if i remember the ceo said he wanted apex to last 20 years if so than 15 to 19 years worth of maps excluding 2023 is a lot of maps if they release every year but that's just my take or theory on the future of map releases of if they might make a change in the future Standard smile    i just thought of something in season 18  when one map in Halloween said worlds edges burns funny is that can acually happen in apex that volcano can burn worlds edge to toast in apex anyway sorry for long paragraph 


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