Place where you can get stuck in Storm Point:

by Srksii

Original Post

Place where you can get stuck in Storm Point:

★★★★ Pro



Couldnt posted it in bugs section since it have more paperwork than tax audit

Message 1 of 2 (367 Views)

Re: Place where you can get stuck in Storm Point:

★★★★ Expert

There are quite a few high places on Storm, World's Edge, and Broken Moon where you would never normally get to except on a mistaken drop or if you're a Valk trying a reposition that you can't quite make. In a lot of these spots you get pushed back down onto the map proper, but on some you just get stuck and die. As a Valk I tended to stumble on these spots once in a while and they infuriated me. I called it "lazy map building." It bothers me less now, but that's probably only because I know to avoid them.
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