I would like to see Mirage positively adjusted.


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I would like to see Mirage positively adjusted.

★★★ Newbie

Mirage's basic tactic is to fight by using skills and Ultimate to send out decoys to disguise the enemy, but she is no match for the "PAD's Aim Assist," a powerful enemy that is stronger than anyone else's.


No matter how visually deceptive it is, Aim Assist only works on Mirage herself, so decoys cannot fool the PAD.
(Even if they use Ultimate to make themselves invisible for a few seconds).


I think that the Aim Assist needs to be adjusted so that it reacts to the decoy, or so that while invisible, the Aim Assist does not react to Mirage herself, as it does in the smoke of Bangalore. I think it is necessary.


What do you think about this proposed adjustment to Legend that still can't be fooled until Aim Assist?


(In addition to that, it's about time you fixed the unfamiliar bug where the decoys you put out during a descent are slanted so you can fool the enemy.)

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