Lifeline Built-in Care Package Beacon

by Datboi0220

Original Post

Lifeline Built-in Care Package Beacon

★★★★★ Newbie

It's been awhile since Lifeline was the powerful Shield medic she once was. With the addition of Newcastle I figured she could become more versatile as a support Legend in other ways instead. 

I propose that Lifeline should be able to use her Care Package as a respawn point for teammates to be brought back into the game. This can be done in several ways but for simplicity's sake we'll just say that it's a Beacon Built-in directly into the package itself that can be used immediately after it's called in. 

This would allow her to keep her team together well into the late game circles where it would be difficult to respawn them due to majority of beacons being lost to the ring. This would negate having to look for/already have Heat Shields to make a risky recovery. 

Message 1 of 4 (103 Views)

Re: Lifeline Built-in Care Package Beacon

★ Guide
@Datboi0220 Same for MRBs.
Is it just me, or is there a difference between timers on MRB vs Land Beacon?
MRB 8 sec, Land 5 sec. Or does Lifeline get a boost on land beacon use but not MRB?
Message 2 of 4 (89 Views)

Re: Lifeline Built-in Care Package Beacon

★★★★★ Newbie

I never really thought about it before but, it doesn't feel like it's any different either way. Although it would be nice to see her able to use Respawn Beacons faster, it would add to her kit putting emphasis on the Life in Lifeline.

Message 3 of 4 (84 Views)

Re: Lifeline Built-in Care Package Beacon

★ Guide
As lifeline, use respawn beacon 5 seconds, use MRB 8 seconds.
Otherwise I use Crypto drone which is instant.
I wonder if she's the only one who has 5 second on land beacon, or if that's everyone. I'm used to 8 seconds. That's why it feels faster to me.
Message 4 of 4 (81 Views)