Re: HUT Objectives 2.0 Quick Guide

by 13ulow

Original Post

Re: HUT Objectives 2.0 Quick Guide

★★★★★ Novice

I haven’t heard one person that likes these hut challenges. 

-took me 7 hours to finish the Halloween Giroux challenge, all those games I failed I didn’t get any rewards. After it was all said and done I felt empty.


I wasted 7 hours of my life not having fun….. I deleted my team to avoid ever wasting time on this * game again

Message 11 of 14 (662 Views)

Re: HUT Objectives 2.0 Quick Guide

★★★ Guide
@Tuggsock 7 hours?? It took me 30 minutes.

Plus you could have just traded in players for Halloween collectibles. Nobody had a gun to your head to finish the moments.

Message 12 of 14 (606 Views)

Re: HUT Objectives 2.0 Quick Guide

★★★ Newbie

One of this weeks weekly objectives is to take 15 slap shots with any player (hut moments) is there a designated moment for this objective or will any moment work? 

Message 13 of 14 (547 Views)

Re: HUT Objectives 2.0 Quick Guide

★ Guide

Any moment shoul do just fine.

@Smitty_Sniped_Ya wrote:

One of this weeks weekly objectives is to take 15 slap shots with any player (hut moments) is there a designated moment for this objective or will any moment work? 


Message 14 of 14 (541 Views)


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