Game Crashing In Lobby

by Koneko_vqs

Original Post

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

Community Manager
Hi @ELWacko, Apologies on the delay but it appears your Dxdiag is not listing machine information (the start of it is blank), can you confirm if this happens when you save it locally?


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Message 21 of 26 (356 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

Enabled. Same freezing/crashing issue. Didn't even fix it for a few days.

Message 22 of 26 (343 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Newbie

sorry about that, it was an error on my end when getting the file, here is the new one

Message 23 of 26 (325 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Newbie

Yea happens to me to the new update just came out and it seems to be fine but haven't played a game yet I'll keep you updated

Message 24 of 26 (306 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Newbie

Did not work still frezzing

Message 25 of 26 (302 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

Hey Everyone, 


Thanks so far for the information everyone has shared. 


We have passed this on to the games team to be aware of, but we have no further information. 


If we hear any updates I'm happy to update this thread!


Also, if you want to follow updates, you can check out the teams trello board.




Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.
Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
XP button - Say Kudos and help players 'Level Up' by giving them XP for helpful posts.

Message 26 of 26 (201 Views)