Game Crashing In Lobby

by Koneko_vqs

Original Post

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Newbie

theres the file, hope it has what you need

Message 11 of 26 (514 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

That's exactly what I've been experiencing!!

Thank you for putting it in better words. I am the only one in my friend group who suffers with these freezes, lobby specific. Sometimes, if I sit on any other tabs than play - I won't crash. My dad suspects it's a bug in the loop somewhere but I don't know, I don't really work on games haha.

Message 12 of 26 (507 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★ Novice

Hi @EA_Illium .  It appears to be related to the Dynamic Spot Shadows setting.  Not having this on, freezes the game and have to force close.  Problem is, Dynamic Spot shadows really lags up the game for me.  


I just checked again after the update today and the game froze as soon as I turned off Dynamic Spot Shadows.  


Any assistance here is greatly appreciated.  I'm a day one player and pretty much havent played anything else since then.  DxDiag attached.  

Message 13 of 26 (484 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

The same problem happens to me, it is important to mention that this happens SINCE THE LAST UPDATE and THE CHANGE OF LOBBY "Quads", it only happens in the lobby, only, exclusively and all the time, in the lobbby 

Message 14 of 26 (419 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

Yeah same! I've never had this issue before.

Message 15 of 26 (412 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★ Novice

i am with 1650 Frown

i have find out that when you sit in friends list, game doesn't freeze. So i go in and start match right away and only play ... or go to lobby in friends list and wait there for my friend to create party and click ready.

But this is work around just to play. All skin weapons and every thing else is unusable Frown

Message 16 of 26 (323 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

For me, I find I can sit on any other menu than 'Play'. Character select and weapons.. battle pass or challenges are work!

Message 17 of 26 (317 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★ Novice

with "Dynamic Spot shadows" lobby is working fine for me. ... i make quick test ... i will play more today to see.

Message 18 of 26 (316 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

★★★ Novice

I have it on yet it still crashes.

Message 19 of 26 (313 Views)

Re: Game Crashing In Lobby

Community Manager

Hey Everyone, 


To confirm as @cedargreen mentioned, does everyone have Dynamic Spot Shadows setting enabled or disabled?




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Message 20 of 26 (261 Views)