Easy Anty Cheat issues

by Struuba

Original Post

Easy Anty Cheat issues

★★★ Newbie

I am reading that many people are having my same issue with games that run Easy Anty Cheat.

The issue that I am talking about is Easy Anty Cheat locking sections or folders of the SSD M.2, or some time worst the entire SSD.
The effect and magnitude is pretty random, can be from simply locking the game folder, to the entire library, to the entire SSD, until the SSD can not even be loaded for several restart and in the worst cases data loss followed by reinstalling the game or damaging the SSD.

To me it started with Helldivers II and now followed by pretty much every game that uses Easy Anty Cheat.

The only work around that I have found so far that gives results is to move the game (if you can move it, or you should uninstall and reinstall) to an old spinning drive.
Lucky enough I have several in raid 0 mirroring that makes them a bit faster.
But still, pretty disapointing to spend so much money for ssd, ssd m.2 as 9980 pro and 990 pro and then not be able to use them opr even ending up damaging them due to poor coding.

Before you ask I tried every possible tutorial related to uninstal or repair Easy Anty Cheat and it was useless.

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