Next battlefield game

by Swatelite00

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Next battlefield game

★★ Novice

The next battlefield has to be an evolution of the shooting genre, introducing new gameplay mechanics while remaining faithful to the hardcore overlay that the players are familiar with.

Message 1 of 25 (3,474 Views)

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Re: Next battlefield game

★★★★ Guide

Maybe a never ending war along the lines of Planetside?

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Message 4 of 25 (3,376 Views)

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Re: Next battlefield game

★★ Novice

I love battlefield,if the next battlefield is set in the modern era, then it has to be like battlefield 3 or 4,with commander mode, and add NUCLEAR BOMBS GOSH .

Message 2 of 25 (3,413 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

I’m sorry guys but EA doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel to make up for the scam they did on 2042.

Bad Company 3. That’s all they have to do, give what BF fans wanted even before 2042 was announced, make the game similar to Bad Company 2 and just better it.

Nobody is going to preorder (at least the mass majority won’t) the next BF title, their only going to bring back faith with a proper Battlefield game, stick to what worked in the past rather than try to go with the current trend.

Most likely it will have micro transactions etc but honesty it shouldn’t, after what they gave us from 2042 and didn’t even apologize nor offer refunds like cyberpunk the least they could do is get players excited again of not having the game based around skins, earn back the trust of BF fans first before you plan how to milk players for money, plan a skin store after you make a proper game don’t base the game around the store…

This is coming from a 20+ year BF vet who has been playing since the original, I’ll enjoy BFV, I’ve uninstalled 2042, and you aren’t getting a dime from me again unless it’s Bad Company 3 (and not preordering it either), I don’t want to see a remaster BF3/BF4 don’t be lazy, you already got our 2042 money you had best use it now for a Bad Company 3 otherwise I have no interest in the next BF title as it will most likely be another marketing scam the way you played 2042 on us.


Seriously you told us the beta was an older build when it really wasn’t, you gave players hope only to find out the release build was worse than the beta… Why should any BF fan get excited for any BF game again unless it’s one they’ve been asking for many years now?


Also stop licking your lips knowing there’s no call of duty in 2023 don’t you dare rush another BF title with the “release now fix later” mentality we are tired of that and I wouldn’t even touch a bad company 3 2023 launch nobody wants a broken sports car. 

Message 3 of 25 (3,391 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★★★ Guide

Maybe a never ending war along the lines of Planetside?

Message 4 of 25 (3,377 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Made a video on my thoughts for the next Battlefield, honestly if they can't do this then I have 0 excitement for the next title. 

Message 5 of 25 (3,230 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★★★★ Guide
Not sure they would do such a thing, couldn't even get 64v64 right
Message 6 of 25 (3,051 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★ Apprentice

I want a return to Vietnam! Or even explore other Cold War settings, like the Korean War. 

Message 7 of 25 (2,724 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★ Novice

During the company's latest earnings briefing, EA CEO Andrew Wilson said the next entry will be a "reimagination of Battlefield." He went on to say the next Battlefield game will exist in a "truly connected ecosystem.

Message 8 of 25 (1,973 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★ Guide
@Status231 That truly concerns me.  I would have thought EA would have acknowledged that their last 2 releases were not well received and try to reach out to their fanbase by at least lying and telling them  they have listened to their concerns and will get back to what worked so well for them in their glory days.  

So, their priority is reimagining and connected universe while the franchise burns around them.  This worries me.
Message 9 of 25 (1,797 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★ Guide

@meetveron wrote:


Return to the core

You hit the nail on the head in the first 4 words!

Message 10 of 25 (1,401 Views)


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