Next battlefield game

by Swatelite00

Original Post

Re: Next battlefield game

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@TrunkzJr I agree wholeheartedly with your post. You hit all the major points, and saying the same things Im saying.


Well articulated. 18y BF vet ogxbox 

Message 11 of 25 (795 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★★ Apprentice

Theres not a great connection with its community. They need much better/senior figure that talks about BF from this side of the fence to connect good discussions from the player/fanbase

Message 12 of 25 (795 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@Tha_Growler The BFV build was hard to see/reduced so the BF2042 build was a huge improvement. 


BF1 > BF4 > BF3 > BFBC2 > BF2MC > BF2042 > BF1943 > BFV > BFBC1


BF1 I think was peak Frostbite, great maps with new systems that kept the game fun. Leviathans, Dreadnaughts, Behemoths, Trains, Cavalry, Elite classes. I think had the best gunplay with gorgeous maps. It looked and played great. Nothing like a snowstorm dropping in Volga River to immerse you in the game.


BF4 included Levolution & extreme weather was huge. Brought in great swimming mechanic. The dynamic change of Seige of Shanghai, Floodzone, Paracel Storm maps was epic, adds great atmosphere to those maps. Dont take these developments out, improve them. Dragons Teeth DLC was quality. 


BF3 was a really fun build there was good balance between ttk and evasive gunplay. Dropping an RPG into a building roof to drop kill on enemy below needs to return. Aftermath was top DLC 


Peak BF1 gameplay, look at that destruction BF1 FRAGALICIOUS .mp4



Message 13 of 25 (788 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★★★★ Guide

It’s funny because when I wrote that, CoD had no plans for releasing a CoD in 2023, and yet they did - and it’s now like the worst rated CoD ever.

2024 is now the perfect chance for Battlefield to make a comeback. If they really want to gain CoD players without following CoD, release the next BF game with no micro transactions, no battlepass, no milking players for money - just release a solid game like Elden Ring and let players know this in marketing, players are tired of being milked so now marketing a multiplayer game in this age with no extra money having to be put in will win fans back + many more. Just release a 2143 DLC later down the road and you got yourself a huge success for years to come.

If you want a solid BC3 single player, have the Battlefield Friends crew replace the old Bad Company crew (they can retire), with the 3 of them and then new recruit noob joins the group and have some fun crazy missions with him. You want to win back fans even more, have them “accidentally” kill all the 2042 characters via a missile launch on their boat or plane or something at the start of the game and BF players will be happy to see that 2042 mess put out of misery.
Message 14 of 25 (766 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★ Guide

It is just my opinion, but the only thing I think that BF2042 is an improvement over any previous BF title is less hackers.   BF2042 should be looked at like Windows ME and forgotten.  I play it every weekend, but I am looking forward to a GOOD replacement.

Message 15 of 25 (748 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★★ Novice

Hi! I'm on board with that idea. Evolving the shooting genre while keeping its hardcore essence is key. New gameplay mechanics will keep players engaged. Excited to see how the next Battlefield game innovates!

Message 16 of 25 (725 Views)

Re: Next battlefield game

★ Guide

I love your optimism, but don't share it when it comes to DICE and EA.  They lost their way after BF1.  Every time I hear a news blurb from EA and they say they are going to "reimagine" Battlefield I cringe.  They "Reimagined" BF2042.  The other phrase they use often is the "Battlefield Universe".  Heck, they don't even have a game most people like.  Don't you think they should create a game people rave about before focusing on building a universe?


I got burned pre-ordering BF2042.  Never again.  And I will tell that same to anyone who will listen.  And, if you do plan to buy I would recommend buying it from Steam.  They have a far better return policy as compared to EA.

Message 17 of 25 (717 Views)

Betreff: Next battlefield game

★★★★ Apprentice
@Swatelite00 What Battlefield is missing is realistic environments that can also be destroyed, as in BF5, realistic appearance of the soldiers. Back to the story, the story dictates the multiplayer. Maybe there will be end-time battles, with the continents of America, Europe and Asia fighting over the last resources of ammunition, oil and water. But don't measure with this EMP again If Dan really bombs that affect all players, not just the enemy. No mess of old and future.
Message 18 of 25 (673 Views)

Betreff: Next battlefield game

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I would love more realism, although I am not at all caught up in any backstory or single player campaign.  All this fuss about knowing what some fictitious character's quote or "their story" is a waste of time to me.  However, I do agree the lack of realism and a serious tone is exactly what BF2042 is missing.  I liked battlefield over COD for that reason.  


  • Realism?
    • Iridescent blue camo?
    • Santa Claus? 
    • A little bird (in the future) with air to aid missles?
    • No automated AA like BF4 had in the past?  Although we are in the near future?
  • Legacy features?
    • Took a year to get a claymore?
    • Scoreboard doesn't show clans or ping of players

I won't even try to make a comprehensive list of what is wrong with BF2042, but you nailed it with lack of REALISM.  I don't like the arcade-look and I don't want to play Fortnite.  I want a balanced view of real war.  


With all that said, I think EA is determined to make Battlefield into a silly arcade game to appeal to children.

Message 19 of 25 (665 Views)

Betreff: Next battlefield game

★★★★★ Apprentice

Next game shouldn't lack these features:


  • Server browser and customised community servers.
  • Platoon support
  • Medals and ribbons
  • Dynamic and meaningful level design
  • Soldier classes: Assault, Medic, Support, Engineer, Special Forces and Marksman
  • Field Commander, Radio operator and Squad leader.
  • Commander assets on the field under warfare
  • Naval combat
Message 20 of 25 (610 Views)


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