Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your Firewall

by skichy

Original Post

Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your Firewall

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Hi all,


I would like to warn and report to all the BF4 community as well as Dice & EA that sadly BF4 is compromised and has now become unsafe to play. Since playing BF4 I have had my system attacked on multiple occasions and now the latest attack is to try and affect my Internet security and Antivirus software. What is even more alarming is the fact that once I load in BF4 and give everything that needs to be given access via the fire wall my firewall settings change and actually get switched off and what alarms me the most is the fact that I have my antivirus and firewall set with a pass word yet it is switched off without having to put the password in and completely bypasses that function. 

I have left multiple posts regarding various issues but sadly EA doesn't seem to care and so it looks like the Battlefield 4 community is completely wide open to be hacked and by the looks of things even if you have your security at a decent level that does not seem to be able to stop these hackers from infecting your PC.

I have my hard drive encrypted as well as have a router that is set up with it's own security measure plus I have one of the best internet antiviruses but still that has not stopped players and corrupt server admins from some how attacking my system.

So you have all been warned and if you want to monitor your system more closely to see if you are being affected then use these programmes to help you alone the way but again even these can be affected - Microsoft TCP Viewer - Microsoft  Explorer - Microsoft Autoruns.

If anyone from Dice or EA read this then please reach out because something needs to be done before this get's way out of hand.


Kind regards


[Edit: All caps removed from title - ElliotLH]

Message 1 of 11 (2,875 Views)


Community Manager



In addition to your current measures, check the following link for info on maintaining account security:



Message 2 of 11 (2,828 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★★★★ Expert

Hi @skichy ,

I trust that you are then playing BF4 on the PC platform and not on any of the consoles?

Message 3 of 11 (2,779 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★ Novice

Apologies for the late reply and my bad. I should of listed that I was using the PC version. I have been in contact with EA and they know that I have been hacked and also being attacked with some kind of Ddos attack but still it continues and nothing seems to change when all it needs is some small effort to monitor my account and connection to see what is going on and who has used their software and servers to hack my PC. Surely that should send alarm bells ringing that their property is being used to hack their members accounts? And what a shame when BF4 is such a great game but by playing it you risk having your well earned system ruined and hacked to the point of you having to spend more money to get it fixed and even consider leaving BF4 on the shelf!!! 

Message 4 of 11 (2,732 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★★ Newbie
@skichy you do realise this cna happen on anygame ddos, its not that bf4 has been "hacked" its jsut people that can click a button and make the servers * or kick u from servers, just general cringe things people do
Message 5 of 11 (2,727 Views)


★★ Novice

With all due respect that link is an insult. I had all the security my router had the security my Antivirus was 100% and up to date and password protected and my system was encrypted by Bitlocker so please do not send me a link that is no use to me what so ever. I have contacted EA and they know what is going on yet it is still going on?

Message 6 of 11 (2,724 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★ Novice

Yeah I know as I have had this happen on my last game but should we have to deal with it? Would you except someone coming in to your house and smashing up your devices? No and sadly this is paramount to that and if EA software and servers can be abused like this then us the members should be warned before hand. I had a perfectly running system and brand new at that and now I have a hacked system that needs fixing and big time so I hope you can understand my frustration at the lack of effort to help out from EA & Dice!!!

Message 7 of 11 (2,717 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★ Novice

Do you have a solution to stop this? Or any way to get it cleared so at least I have a chance of combating it when it happens again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Message 8 of 11 (2,714 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★★ Novice

I have just received some results regarding my system from a certain source who has just informed me that my router and it's security was set up perfectly and that the only way anyone could of gained access to my system by bypassing the set up that I had was by gaining access from the EA and BF4 game by bypassing the firewall. 

So basically I had everything set up correctly and perfectly and my security was also set up perfectly and by allowing the EA apps and Origin BF4 game through my firewall was what allowed my system to be hacked and now in need of some serious attention. I am still awaiting my Antivirus providers investigation which I hope to have the details soon but I have a feeling they will also back up what I have just found out and again will state that it was allowing the EA app and BF4 through my firewall.

Now what is also alarming and annoying  at the same time is the fact that CORRUPT SERVER ADMINS were involved and that EA should have the power to be able to see this and then take the action that is needed to not only catch the people involved but to also life time ban them and then close down those servers because if they have done this to me then who else have they done this to and what is their end goal and are they using the EA apps and the BF4 game to hack others for personal gains of the back of EA and Dice? 

So the bottom line is no matter how good your security is and how good you think you have your system set up if you use the EA apps and play Battlefield 4 you are basically risking your system from being run perfectly to being hacked and serious damage being done that will cost you decent money to make sure it is fixed and in the worst case replace certain parts that might not be able to get fixed.

Something needs to be done about this and even though I only blame certain party's for not making sure they protect their community I sure do blame them for not taking this situation as serious as they should do and DO NOT prosecute players for HACKING & Cheating they sure need to start doing something to let the players involved know that if they try to use EA or it's games for HACKING purposes or serious cheating they will get far more than just a ban and will see themselves in court because that is the only drastic action that needs to be taken to make sure this kind of activity does not continue in the future because if it continues the way it has done then no wonder EA and other games company's keep having the * taken out of them and are used to line others pockets on their good paying and loyal customers.

WAKE UP EA & DICE and start doing something to prevent this from happening as you have some very bright minds in your ranks and I am sure you can come up with some kind of program that can prevent and notify you when someone is cheating or someones connection ends up with more bandwidth traffic that one person would be using to play the game that could alert them that something bad is going on.

We need more than just an Anti cheat software but also an Anti hacking program to protect your community and players but sadly I have a feeling nothing will get done and I will just be one of thousands who will end up just leaving the game and finding another one that hasn't been infected with no good scum.




Message 9 of 11 (2,664 Views)

Re: Players Warning - BF4 is Used to Hack You & They Can Even Turn Off Your

★ Novice

Late reply, but you got something in your system (forget about your router or modem, those usually reboot at night , specially modems and they pull a whole new bin  from the provider, so a hacker must hack it first and patch the firmware,  and its not easy task ). There are many ways to get crap in your system, cracked stuff, free software, etc.  Server admins know your public Ip address cuz they can ban you by many methods, user, Ip, etc, so anyone  knowing your Ip can ddos. Besides that, you can have an $10000 antivirus , if it don't know the thread or recognize the behavior , it may let it do whatever it want. There are more ways to hack a system in your scenario regarding bf4, but I think none will do that for fun, unless you pissed someone that knows how to do it.

Message 10 of 11 (777 Views)