link account properly after unlinking another one done initially by mistake.

by beltbalza

Original Post

link account properly after unlinking another one done initially by mistake.

★★★ Newbie

I need help from EA concerning to battlefield4. I wan to link my progress from ps5 account but I have 2 account one in the middle east another one un US. For some mistake I did I linked the ME account but I want to link is my US account where I have my progress. 


Can someone else connect me with EA customer service in order to send my account to please to link properly to battlefield4 and be able to play with my progress in my pc.


I will sincerely appreciate your guidelines.





Message 1 of 2 (267 Views)

Re: link account properly after unlinking another one done initially by mistake.

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @beltbalza,


If you have access to the ME account, you should be able to unlink the account easily by yourself. I will give you the link for EA help if you decide to contact them.


EA Help:


Best regards,


Message 2 of 2 (246 Views)