Re: Disconnect after a win

by ElliotLH

Original Post

Disconnect after a win

★★★ Newbie

Does anyone know why in some games even tho I win the game somehow this game disconnects me and I don't get the win?

Message 1 of 5 (350 Views)

Re: Disconnect after a win

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @KYloRenCakeS,


This is probably a server side issue, nothing that you can do. How often does this happen?


Best regards,


Message 2 of 5 (335 Views)

Re: Disconnect after a win

★★★ Newbie

This was the first time this year the servers proly shut down, because all year I've never experienced this, but after a few games I've got disconnected and lost a game I won at the final whistle


Message 3 of 5 (329 Views)

Re: Disconnect after a win

★★★★★ Guide

Thank for clarifying @KYloRenCakeS.

Message 4 of 5 (306 Views)

Re: Disconnect after a win

Hi @KYloRenCakeS Which game are you experiencing this issue with? It just sounds like it might be Fifa/FC24 rather than Battlefield.

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Message 5 of 5 (285 Views)