Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

by goturToes1

Original Post

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

Can someone please help me get past this screen cause this is my first time ever playing bf4 and I have searched up on YouTube to try find a solution but can’t find anything of people know how to do it please tell me thanks 


Message 21 of 38 (1,730 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★★★ Newbie

Stuck here too, i tried restarting the game and repetitively pressing X and got stuck at the email prompt. Now i tried letting it load normally and it's stuck here. 

none of the buttons do anything. Any solutions?

Message 22 of 38 (1,672 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★★★ Newbie

Any ideas/solutions to fix this? I managed to get past the user agreement page by pressing X button repeatedly and it somehow worked, BUT ONLY FOR ONCE. I managed to play campaign and then when the game was fully downloaded, I encountered the same issue.


i've tried swapping around DNS codes as that was the connection issue i used to

encounter with Diablo 4. But it still doesnt work after numerous tries and it's rather frustrating as I've already spent money on game and support is rather unresponsive or fruitless results.

Message 23 of 38 (1,667 Views)

Re: No se puede pasar la pantalla de Acuerdo de usuario - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie
  1. Esta solución no permite jugar en línea pero al menos si en campaña…

una ves que termina la cinemática, presionas x para cambiar a la pantalla siguiente y Justo después de presionar “X” presionas muchas veces “O”, esto ayuda a que cancele la parte de usuario y te manda al modo campaña, el movimiento tiene que ser rápido!


Justo después de presionar “X” para cambiar pantalla, continua presionando “O” hasta que te aparecerá un error en conexión pero eso ayudará a entrar a campaña, al menos para jugar en lo que arreglan el erro, espero haberlos ayudado un poco 

Message 24 of 38 (1,641 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

I have the same bug. I open bf4, go to multi-player, then that pops up. I can't interact with any thing. Attached a photo of screen. 

Message 25 of 38 (1,620 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

I have found the solution to this issue. You must go onto the website and register your account using your playstation or xbox login. After thats done just open the game as normal and the game will automatically open without showing the ea agreement screen

Message 26 of 38 (1,406 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

The same thing is happening to me. The game initially starts just fine. Goes through the beginning scene, then I hit X to start. The accept user agreement and privacy policy screen pops up. Says to hit X to accept, Square to Reed the User agreement, and Triangle to read the privacy and cookie policy. None of the buttons work, but it's not the controller works fine with every other game and the share button and home buttons work while on that screen. Seems to be something with the screen itself I think. Not sure what to do. I'm gonna try to uninstall and reinstall. Maybe it needs an update I don't know. First time playing it in a while, and my first time ever playing it on this console. 

Message 27 of 38 (1,391 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

Hey man, I had the same problem, but! I have a fix.

I read in one of the replies about going to another Battlefield to get past the User Agreement screen, however, I did it differently.

I went to the EA website, created an account on there via the PlayStation login, got it setup. Then I restarted the game and boom, everything was fine and unlocked.

I hope this helps anyone and everyone who wants to play Battlefield 4, but doesn't want to buy, download, or borrow a different Battlefield game.

Message 28 of 38 (1,082 Views)

battlefield 4 frozen

★★★★★ Novice

hello we have issues with accept the user agreement and ea privacy and cookie policy  in ps4-ps5 this issue frozen the game and can’t starting 

Message 29 of 38 (1,022 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★★★ Novice

you need accept it from another game like BFV then back to bf4

Message 30 of 38 (985 Views)