Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

by goturToes1

Original Post

Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

I'm on ps4, downloaded Battlefield 4 for the first time. I cannot get past the User Agreement/ EA's Privacy and Cookie Policy screen.


Not responsive to any buttons at all.


The loading icon at top right is showing and working. Closing and restarting ps4 does nothing. 


It appears several others are having this issue on ps4 and pc. 


Please fix

Message 1 of 38 (4,669 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)



So you can't get past  that User Agreement screen?


What happens exactly?

You start the game, the User Agreement screen pops up and it disappears again oder what is the case?


Greets, Travis 

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Message 2 of 38 (4,644 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie



I start the game, press x to start, the user agreement screen pops up, and then it's unresponsive to any of the buttons. You can't open the user agreement or privacy and cookie policy, you can't tick the "read" box, or press o to go back. It's just stuck on this screen. I've changed conteillers, restarted the game and my ps4. 


See picture attached

Message 3 of 38 (4,630 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

@goturToes1 hmm... that's stange why no botton is working. 


Did you try yet to move both of your joysticks like up,down,left,right to see if maybe like the invisible cursor isn't on the square to set the check mark?


Or other option that would be interesting is, do you own another BF game like BF1 or so to see if you can login there, get the user agreement screen to accept and therefore skip it in BF4 when starting it?


Greets, Travis 

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Message 4 of 38 (4,612 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

Hey @Its_Travis_199 


Just tried moving around the joysticks again, still no response. 


I don't own another BF game but even if I did, wouldn't you need to get past the user agreement to link the account. It seems like yoid have to do this with every BF game when first opened.


It's the very first thing that pops up and it's asking me to create or link an account and to do that I'd need to tick the box. 


Pretty bummed haha

I tried to report a bug but the EA BF4 website literally had me chasing my tail for about an hour before I tried here. 


Not sure what to do now

Pretty bummed ahah



Message 5 of 38 (4,576 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

I'm having the same issue if you find out how to fix the issue please let me know 

Message 6 of 38 (4,546 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)



The reson why i asked about like another BF title is cause a while back people had issues that the user agreement does like only pop up shortly and so you can't even do anything to it.

If they got into another BF title tho, it popped up there too, they agreed to it and therefore got past it for BF4. 


But the case was different.

You said it's the very first time you play it, those people just came back to BF4 after a long time.


So i guess you have to somehow agree to them anyway.


Did you vist your EA account via a web browser yet and checked if your EA profile has your gamer tag from the console linked already?


Greets, Travis 


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Message 7 of 38 (4,534 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

I had the same issue and found a solution that works for me. Something is wrong with the update file version 1.24 that doesn’t allow you to get past the EA user service agreement when this version is fully installed. However, I just wanted to play campaign and not use online so I was able to delete the application and start the application before the version was installed to get to the main menu and resume my campaign. 

Message 8 of 38 (4,521 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

Hmm, interesting.

But i think you can't get rid of only the update file once it's fully installed. Raised eyebrow


Greets, Travis 

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Message 9 of 38 (4,510 Views)

Re: Cant get past User Agreement screen - Battlefield 4 (ps4)

★★★ Newbie

No, I had to delete the whole application, and upon inserting the disk again, downloaded and started the application before it installed the latest update again. My game data saved locally to the console so when I deleted the application the save data luckily was still on my console. It’s annoying but it’s a workaround that works as long as you want to play offline in campaign mode. 

Message 10 of 38 (4,493 Views)