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References in classic literature ?
"Eulalie, je suis prete a pamer de rire," observed one.
Je suis tres contente de vous voir,"* she said to Pierre as he kissed her hand.
Je suis capitaine de chasseurs (Heyward well knew that the other was of a regiment in the line); j'ai ici, avec moi, les filles du commandant de la fortification.
mesdames; j'en suis fÆ’che pour vous," exclaimed the young soldier, touching his cap with grace; "mais--fortune de guerre!
They generally wore feathers in their hats, and affected the "brave." "Je suis un homme du nord!"-"I am a man of the north,"-one of these swelling fellows would exclaim, sticking his arms akimbo and ruffling by the Southwesters, whom he regarded with great contempt, as men softened by mild climates and the luxurious fare of bread and bacon, and whom he stigmatized with the inglorious name of pork- eaters.
"Je me suis evadee--" put in that way, the opening sentence immediately suggested that she might merely have wanted to escape from a boring round of engagements; which was very likely true, for he judged her to be capricious, and easily wearied of the pleasure of the moment.
Je suis libre, n'est-ce pas?" She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.
ma chere mam’selle, comme je suis enchante!” said the Frenchman.
Thereupon I declared that I was a heretic and a barbarian--"Je suis heretique et barbare," I said, "and that these archbishops and cardinals and monsignors, and the rest of them, meant nothing at all to me.
"Je suis triste," said Valentin, with Gallic simplicity.
"Je suis Americain, catholique et gentil-homme," in a tone contrasting so strongly with the smile, which, as it were, underlined the uttered words, that I was at a loss whether to return the smile in kind or acknowledge the words with a grave little bow.