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(French majɔl)
(Biography) Aristide (aristid). 1861–1944, French sculptor, esp of monumental female nudes
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(mɑˈyɔl, -ˈyoʊl, mæ-)

Aristide, 1861–1944, French sculptor.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Maillol - French sculptor of monumental female nudes (1861-1944)
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The painting is part of a new exhibition of the collection of Emil Buhrle at the Musee Maillol in Paris through July that features about 50 works by Renoir, Degas, and Manet that were partly amassed by the German arms manufacturer during a period in which he dealt weapons and art to the Nazis.
'Vessel Explored/ Vessel Transformed: Tomimoto Kenkichi and His Enduring Legacy' will explore Tomimoto's inspirations including Aristide Maillol's fleshy bronze women and William Morris's fern repeats (Fig.
This juxtaposition of high-modernist design and the classical female nude would become a recurring motif within Mies's interiors, with coquettish statuettes from colleagues such as Wilhelm Lehmbruck and Aristide Maillol tucked into the boudoirs of many of the homes he designed.
Por 1948 desenha figuras femininas, de linha ora despojada, ora enovelada, curvilinea e veloz; e a importancia da visao tactil permanecera, tendo escrito sobre ela em Eduardo Viana (Betamio, 68) e ao aproximar-se de Maillol, dizendo:
Trabajos que por sus dimensiones y estructura tienen una solemnidad que me recuerda a los elegantes volumenes exentos de Franz West e incluso a "El aire" de Aristide Maillol; una de ellas es un volumen erguido como una columna oferente y otra una estructura horizontal que vuela por ambos lados sobre un bloque que la eleva y ejerce de peana respectivamente.
He had the opportunity to meet and spend time among some of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, like Pablo Picasso, Georges Baque, Aristide Maillol, Jean Effel, Salvador Dali, Pierre Bonnard and Marcel Duchamp to name a few.
Que de chemin parcouru depuis les sous-sols du Petit-Palais ou quelques amis s'etaient reunis pour exposer dans un local sans lumiere, apres avoir participe a tous les courants artistiques majeurs du XXeme siecle en accueillant les plus grands noms de la peinture moderne, de Picasso et Cezanne , en passant par l'Ecole de Paris , Dali , Zao Wou Ki et jusqu'a Antonio Manfredi en 2014 , de la sculpture Maillol , Bourdelle , Camille Claudel , Rodin , Duchamp-Villon , entre des milliers d'autres connus ou moins connus, de la musique Debussy , Ravel , de la poesie, Apollinaire , Aragon , ou plus recemment Glissant , Simeon , Bonnefoy , le Salon d'Automne renouvelle sa mission de reunir sous sa banniere ce que la creation actuelle a de plus dynamique et prometteuse.
While in Paris on a Rosenwald Fellowship, Burke studied with the sculptor Aristide Maillol. After returning she completed her MFA at Columbia University and participated in a number of group shows that featured prominent Black artists.
The high standards sought by Kessler are clear in the Cranach Press Hamlet and in its striking companion volumes, The Eclogues of Virgil (1926), illustrated by the French artist and sculptor Aristide Maillol, and The Song of Songs of Solomon (1931), designed and illustrated by the English artist Eric Gill.
The park will have a broad spectrum of art, from classical masters such as Rodin and Maillol and Salvador DaliOs surrealistic pieces, to modern and contemporary forms of creative expressionism by Lynn Chadwick, Tony Cragg, Sarha Sze, Matt Johnson and Louise Bourgeois.