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Related to MAIN: mail
MAINMulti Access Interactive Network
MAINMountain Area Information Network (rural cooperative; North Carolina)
MAINMid-America Interconnected Network
MAINMidwest Alliance in Nursing
MAINManitoba Archival Information Network
MAINMilitarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism (causes of WW I)
MAINMatériaux, Interfaces et Nanostructures
MAINMaine Association of Independent Neighborhoods
MAINMetropolitan Area Interconnect Network (Sigma Networks)
MAINMilitary Authorization Identification Number
MAINMontana Advanced Intelligent Network
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References in classic literature ?
Another main question in judging any book concerns the union which it shows: (1) of the Intellectual faculty, that which enables the author to understand and control his material and present it with directness and clearness; and (2) of the Emotion, which gives warmth, enthusiasm, and appealing human power.
Its main operations may be classified under three heads: (1) Pictorial and Presentative.
You may have closer alleys, upon the side grounds, but none in the main garden.
For the first, the ornaments of images gilt, or of marble, which are in use, do well: but the main matter is so to convey the water, as it never stay, either in the bowls or in the cistern; that the water be never by rest discolored, green or red or the like; or gather any mossiness or putrefaction.
M'Kenzie, who struck to the northward, across the desert plains, in hopes of coming upon the main stream of the Columbia.
Hunt turned his thoughts to provide for the subsistence of the main body left to his charge, and to prepare for their future march.
From that point, all the main events of the story are purposely foreshadowed before they take place -- my present design being to rouse the reader's interest in following the train of circumstances by which these foreseen events are brought about.
He stopped before the door of his own cottage, which was the fourth one from the main building and next to the last.
Three or four of the men, who were reconnoitering the country in advance of the main body, were visited one night in their camp, by fifteen or twenty Shoshonies.
All the main valleys in the Cordillera are characterized by having, on both sides, a fringe or terrace of shingle and sand, rudely stratified, and generally of considerable thickness.
As the noise of hurrying feet warned me that we were entering the busy corridors of the main level, my heart came up into my mouth.
Over on Main Street sounded a man's voice, laughing.