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DIFSDistributed Inter Frame Space
DIFSDistributed Inter-Frame Space
DIFSDistributed Index for Features in Sensor Networks (IEEE publication)
DIFSDefense Integrated Financial System
DIFSDivision of Identification and Forensic Science (Israeli police)
DIFSDéveloppement Industrialisation Fabrication de Sièges (French: Manufacture of Development Industrialization Seats)
DIFSDedham Institution for Savings (Dedham, MA)
DIFSDepartment of Information Systems (various locations)
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References in classic literature ?
Her glance was by no means stupid; it beamed out soft and dif fuse as the moon beams upon a landscape--quite differently from the scrutinising inspection of the stars.
Dawood Income Fund (DIF)###September 04, 2019###82.5945###81.7767
The creation of DIFS' Fraud Investigation Unit was announced in September 2018.
Whenever a data frame is to be sent, the station senses the medium; if it is free for at least a DCF inter-frame space (DIFS) period of time, the back-off mechanism is not used and the frame is directly transmitted.
Differential item functioning (DIF) is one technique for comparing ethnic populations that test makers employ to help ensure the fairness of their tests.
Dawood Income Fund (DIF)###September 03, 2019###82.5736###81.7560
DIFS said its investigation revealed that Leonard delivered fake certificates of insurance to at least 29 individuals.
Dawood Income Fund (DIF)###September 02, 2019###82.5527###81.7353