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CAPCCenter to Advance Palliative Care
CAPCChrist and Pop Culture
CAPCCommunity Action Program for Children (Canada)
CAPCCompanion Animal Parasite Council (veterinary group)
CAPCCA Performance Center (Broadcam)
CAPCChild Abuse Prevention Center (various locations)
CAPCCabinet Appointed Procurement Committee (Sri Lanka)
CAPCCenter for American Politics and Citizenship (University of Maryland)
CAPCCanadian Automotive Partnership Council
CAPCCanadian Association of Professional Conservators
CAPCCampaign Against Political Correctness (UK)
CAPCCataloging Policy Committee
CAPCCivil Aviation Planning Committee
CAPCCommunauté d'Agglomération du Pays Châtelleraudais (French: Agglomeration Community of Châtellerault Countries; Châtellerault, France)
CAPCCalgary Association of Professional Coaches
CAPCChinese-American Planning Council (est. 1965; various locations)
CAPCCounty Air Pollution Control
CAPCCyprus Association of Pharmaceutical Companies
CAPCChild Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento, Inc.
CAPCComputing Across the Primary Curriculum
CAPCCenter for the Advancement of Palliative Care (Richmond, Virginia)
CAPCCentral Arizona Paddlers Club
CAPCCertified Advanced Purchasing Course
CAPCCentre of Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine
CAPCComputer-Aided Production Control
CAPCCommunity Advocates for People's Choice
CAPCChandra Asri Petrochemical Centre
CAPCCarrier Aircraft Plane Commander
CAPCCity Advertising Promotion Commission (Arkansas)
CAPCCivil Air Patrol Cadet
CAPCCrewman's Associate for Path Control (vehicle simulation tool)
CAPCCurriculum and Academic Policy Council
CAPCChefs Association of the Pacific Coast
CAPCCommittee on Advanced Professional Certification
CAPCCentral Arkansas Para Center
CAPCCalgary Adult Playground Club (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
CAPCCitizens Action Planning Committee
CAPCClinic Acquired Penetrating Contact
CAPCCNCP Alberta Petroleum Centre
CAPCCeilcote Air Pollution Control
CAPCCentre for Applied Psychology and Criminology (Bond University)
CAPCCyber Association for the Presa Canario
CAPCChantilly Academy Parents Club
CAPCCommonwealth Association of Professional Centres (UK)
CAPCCellular Access Point Controller
CAPCConsta-Abelian Polyadic Code
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