(redirected from Compact Antenna Test Range)
CATRCompact Antenna Test Range
CATRChina Academy of Telecommunication Research
CATRCentre for Applied Theatre Research (University of Manchester; UK)
CATRComputer Assisted Text Reading (online lexical, grammatical and linguistic information)
CATRCouncil for Asian Terrorism Research
CATRCapital Area Treatment Rating (children's therapy; Harrisburg, PA)
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References in periodicals archive ?
D., "Compact antenna test ranges," Seventh International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (ICAP), 99-108, York, UK, Apr.
The other projects are development of Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR), Satellite bus development facility (PhaseI), development of a Satellite Assembly Integration and Test (SAINT) and Altitude and Orbital Control System (AOCS) Center.
The development projects of SUPARCO included, development of a Compact Antenna Test Range, Development of Various Laboratories for National Satellite Development Program, Development of Logistic Support Facilities for National Satellite Development Programme, Altitude and Orbital Control System Centre, Development of a Satellite Assembly Integration and Test Facility, Remote Sensing Date Transmission Facility and Development of Satellite Environmental Validation and Testing Facility.
Traditionally the antenna pattern is measured in a far-field, near-field, or compact antenna test range. In the far-field technique, a reference antenna is placed in the far-field of the antenna under test (AUT).
Rs 136.621 million have been allocated for the development of Logistic Support Facilities for NSDP while Rs 197.675 have been budgeted for Design & Development of Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR).