RSS Reviews  (174740 - 174760 of 175,196)

Mass Effect 2

Game review by 7Game Agree (1) Disagree

Amazing game. Worth buying for sure. 15/10


GoldenEye: Source

Mod review by DevinShadowV Agree (2) Disagree

wow where to start for a classic mod that reaches of awesome but with every mod it has it's problems but for this mod the problem are minor thank god.
But lets get it out of the way anyway...Well for 4.1 this is a major leap but the only problem I'm having is that the lazer was nerfed so bad that it's too slow but that is my only problem and I know there are other problems but there already talked about it on the GE:S Forums.
Ok now for the fun part ok for startes this mod has been out there for a while and has been changed several time over but 4.1 is what they are calling it the "mod is out of beta" and it deserves that title.

Graphic/level design OMG it's amazing my personal fave map is still runway but the person that redone silo from scratch needs a medal or something it's amazing the detail towards not just silo but every map including casino the new community map is amazing. The core gameplay is still there and can't wait for more content to come.
Overall for an old HL2 mod this stands the test of time and also revises itself every time and my seal of awesome for this mod is required. So if you haven't played this mod...WTF is wrong with you get HL2 and download this mod you will not regret it.


X³: Reunion

Game review by Capt.Blei Agree Disagree

The most Awesome Game ive ever played i realy love it the game design is awesome the gameplay is awesome i realy love it and i cant stop playing it :D


Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

Game review may contain spoilers by JPC Agree (1) Disagree (6)

After a year of waiting for improvements mods and the sdk.. I regrettebly change my rating from 8 to 3... They could of done this game some great justice for PC and it could of been GOTY.

Big edit fast-forwarding to 2013: It s a better game than Aliens: Colonial Marines


STARGATE Horizon Of the Universe

Mod review by Tunner Agree (9) Disagree (1)

This mod is realy impressive at any point you look at it. The way it is scripted, thought, done and customized is absolutely awesome.
Dev team, which consists of only 2 guys takes care of the mod the best they can. They always care about players' problems and they always try to solve it even if they don't have time. Also they are the ones who prefer less talking and more scripting which sometimes looks like the mod is dead but in fact they always come with some naquadah-bomb-like surprise or release!
Every single version is much greater than the previous and so improves the stability. The only problem of this mod is, that not all computers can run it the same so few computers got fatal/crash errors but that's something that must be solved individually.
I´m giving this mod a rating of 9 stars due to nice gameplay and idea, also the fact that it works exactly as it should (you want stargate in san andreas and you got it fully operational), however I can't give this mod 10 stars now because there's still a room for improvements such as the story, new planets and other less important details.
In conclusion I'd like to thank black nights order for making such a great mod and Iˇm looking forward for the next major release which (how it looks on the screens) will totaly kick *** and deserve the last star!

Keep it up boys!
And you players, go and play!


Third Age - Total War

Mod review by Sogram Agree (2) Disagree

Too much excellent things to all notice them, i always discover something (however i am not new, i have played it since v1.4) this is what makes this mod nearly perfect (of course there are always things to improve), so amazing job KK, DA, and others :D


Mental Omega

Mod review by bobsam Agree (2) Disagree

An amazing mod, professionally crafted from the ground up.


Screaming Steel: 1914-1918

Mod review by Dr.Goupyl Agree (3) Disagree (11)

What we got actually is really neat.
But it seriously need to go deeper and be more historically realistic, it's quite a shame to be able to play the British side only on the French Territories...


Blitzkrieg Mod

Mod review by nikolai25 Agree (2) Disagree (1)

this mod is just awesome :D


Future Wars - Tactical Simulator

Mod review by EinsamerSchuetze Agree (2) Disagree (1)

best mod ever



Mod review by AUG_DUDE Agree (4) Disagree (3)

This mod is very "challenging", since the player is always taking damage, no matter where he is;

The mapping, is stretched to ****;

Skins that'll make you bleed to death;


Frogs that try to eat you;

Pieces of ham that explode nearby you;

turrets welded to the walls;



random posters on the walls;




NProject Mod

Mod review by Zeke_Dlyoung Agree (3) Disagree

IMO the only true ZH enhancement mod. It doesn't add a lot of new units, but a lot of fixes and enhancements. It's Zero Hour but better!


Homeworld 2

Game review by Triikor Agree (1) Disagree

Like I said about HW1, godly

Though not as much as HW1 but the modding capabilities of HW2 make up for that imo.


Edain Mod

Mod review by Isildur Agree Disagree

its just great



Engine review by Alex626 Agree (1) Disagree

Amazing engine. Still one of the best. Made when Crytek wasn't a greedy fat-*** evil corporation.


Jaykin Bacon: Source

Mod review by Thanoshld Agree Disagree

A really fun and well-made multiplayer mod for the original Half-Life with a lot of weapons and other small tweaks here and there. Maybe one of the best mp mods for the GoldSrc engine ever made.


Battlefield: Bad Company

Game review by ytres Agree Disagree (1)

pretty damn awesome.



Mod review by ytres Agree (5) Disagree



Allied Intent Xtended

Mod review by ytres Agree (1) Disagree

me gusta


Battlefield 1942

Game review by ytres Agree (1) Disagree

The best multiplayer FPS game, 64 players, land-sea-air, dedicated servers, huge collection of mod content.