RSS Reviews  (174720 - 174740 of 175,196)

Third Age - Total War

Mod review by Swyter Agree (1) Disagree (15)

Maximum exponent of the Total War series modding.
I've played it. Very diverse and entertaining. Also translated to Spanish by Volunteers.

The only negative point in my mind it's the supposed conflict with The Last Days (Mount&Blade mod) designs. Where you picked them up without permission.
Hoping not being true. If not, you don't deserve anything.

Kudos to you, and everyone who helped to keep this up.


Post Script

Mod review by AHvash Agree (8) Disagree (2)

Creepy and inspirational this mod inspired me to create my own story. Too many people in the world hear "Video Game" and think of fast passed FPS action. Not too many understand that a game such as this can exists and tell a deep story of someones past. things as imaginative as this can only exists in books.

I cant tell you how many times i have played this game for its complexity and simplicity. Great work and keep it comin.


Dear Esther

Mod review by nosfer4tu Agree Disagree (2)

I tried it last week and had no idea what the **** was going on.
I understand not every game needs to be guns blazin', but this just. . . sucked.
You walk as slow as a dead snail covered in syrup, I had to bunnyhop through the whole thing. It's a bit buggy too, I came up to these citizens who just stand there not doing anything. And of course, i got stuck between some rocks.
The story was boring and dialogues were extremely quiet compared to other sounds. Sorry.


Spiderman Mod

Mod review by menter Agree (2) Disagree

amazing mod 10/10


Half Life 2: Reality Decay

Mod review by zck2020 Agree (1) Disagree

I like the concept of this mod, it was unfortunately poorly executed...



Game review by zck2020 Agree Disagree

How can you not enjoy this game?


Get a Life

Mod review by bigboss233 Agree (1) Disagree

An epic journey through many different environments, all whilst retaining an appropriate atmosphere for each area. From intense, to subtle creepiness, to hard horror, the developers know how to set the mood. The body part health system is also really original for a mod, and will make you think twice of how you use your dwindling supply of health packs for the body part you need the most. The storyline is also interesting, although I'll admit that it starts getting out of control near the end. However, it still delivers a satisfying experience from beginning to end and actually makes me want to replay it again, just because of how vast it was. There were a few issues, such as having the flashlight as a separate, equippable item similar to doom, but they do not completely break the game.



Game review by Firestorm747 Agree Disagree

Love Freelancer it has to be the best space game ever :)


Itano Circus

Mod review by Firestorm747 Agree Disagree

I really liked how intence the battles were with this mod. I usually have a ship stacked with missiles and launch as many as i can as fast as i can :D


C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux

Mod review by *memory-on-Goldberg* Agree Disagree

simply good


A Global Crisis

Mod review may contain spoilers by Jethro2308 Agree Disagree

a very good mod for command and conquer generals zero hour, but i do have a few complaints:
1- I think the building scales on the Syria and Israeli building show have been scaled down, i sometimes run out of space to build alot of stuff.
2- during the battle with general Tao while playing as Israel or Syria, the Intro tanks will all be lined up idle near your command center, and if these tanks are attacked with Tao's first Nuke, a second Nuke will fall on your base that's supposed to be the Nuke in the intro, damaging way too many buildings in your base.
3.Israel's and Syria's super weapons can be shot down, it can give the opponent an advantage against you.

I hope these complaints would be fixed in the next release.

all-in-all, good job Abra for making such an entertaining mod



Mod review by Circular0rb Agree (2) Disagree

Simply said, Granatball is fun multiplayer mod for C&C3. If you want to try something different, this mod is for you!

Different game modes and co-op make this one of a kind mod for C&C3.


88 Flak

Mod review by Freuds Agree (1) Disagree

This is Freelancer how it ought to be.
Amazing AI, beautiful special effects, greatly balanced ship classes (all ships pilotable, btw)...
Got me hooked for over a year now :-)


Mass Effect

Game review by Wulfburk12 Agree Disagree

One of the best RP games out there!


Blackforest Hunt

Mod review by 7Game Agree Disagree

Cool Idea for the mod, but the gameplay is quite boring though...


Half-Life 2

Game review by Lampbit Agree (11) Disagree

Мой бог!!! И что еще можно сказать?!



Mod review by astrozombie Agree Disagree

An extremely interesting mod. Part One can turn some people off, but I actually found it very entertaining. It has a great story told in a non-intrusive way, multiple endings, completely new gameplay, and nice music. Part Two is really where the mod shines. The story is intense, interesting, and innovative. It includes more new styles of gameplay (more puzzle than the part one gameplay, which seems to be casual) and great multiple endings. Definitely a mod that I expect great things from.


Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space

Game review by nicklemarr Agree (4) Disagree

First off, let me say that Indie developers are the foundation of all PC gaming. Even when there are giant like EA and Ubisoft around, they would be so giant if it weren't for the little guys.

Weird Worlds uses a custom 2D overhead engine. While simplistically using sprites instead of the usual polygon, it maintains some level of eye candy to fill fans heart with joy.

The audio is not bad. Not good, but not bad. A little flat, kind of monotonous, but unless you are specifically listening for oddities, you will be completely transported by it.

Not only does it have a single-player campaign, it has a battle simulator. In this simulator you can summon countless numbers of ships from nearly all the races in the game. They will come out in formation and have grand space battle that are a joy just to sit back and watch.

Not only are there giant space bugs, space lizards, robots, and any variety of space creature under the sun, the standard game has and immense amount of customization of your ship.

This game is based around mods. Not little tiny mods that might change your speed or something. I am talking about the nitty-gritty. Anything you would like to change about the game, including adding/removing/modifying all the weapons/races/ships/planets/dialogue/quests, is just a text document away from making all your dreams a reality.

In Closing
This game is a must have. If you are interested at all in science fiction, role playing games, or strategy games, you will be hooked. This game can be played off a USB key. If you aren't so certain about liking it, go play the demo, it's around 25MB's compressed, so the whole process shouldn't take you more than 25 minutes to download, install, and play your first game.

It has INFINITE replay value just in the campaign mode. Add in the mod support and you have a game that can suck hours of your life down the drain. Buy this.


Diablo II

Game review by Henley Agree (7) Disagree

Great game, small resolution. Nuff said.


Silent Threat: Reborn

Mod review by TopAce Agree (1) Disagree

Generally speaking, ST:R is a high-quality, traditionalist mod with some interesting plot twists. Some missions are too long, though, and typically, the longer the mission, the more likely it was designed to be won or lost in the last minute. That's ST:R's biggest defect in my view. Everything else is top-notch, including mission design and voice acting.

Recently I started to experience some problems with one of the missions, but since they weren't there when I first played ST:R, I don't count it as a flaw in the mod.