Post news Report RSS Delicious Devlog #7 - Character Sheets, Items and Models!

In this week's devlog, we talk about our new and updated models, character sheets and updates on mechanics such as the item tiers, and other concept art!

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Hello Everyone!

This is our 7th weekly Delicious Devlog, updated every Tuesday!

In today's devlog, we'll show some new 3D models our Game Artist cooked up for this game, including an updated Jenny model, the Customer model and the items you'll have to deliver, plus a sneak peak at more concept art!

Jenny's Model

Our Game Artist has been hard at work on the 3D models for our game, including a new and updated Jenny model! The UV's have been cleaned, and she now sports new hair textures and some extra details, like the nametag and apron pouch!

We've also worked on a new character model ref sheet, which we'll use to do color studies for Jenny (As this design isn't final yet, however we may decide to use this design later on!)

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Customer's Model

Introducing the customer, the character(s) you'll have to deliver candy to! We've got both a 3D model and a character sheet! We might alter the designs of the clothes to bring some variety in-game!

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This is our character sheet for the customer, as you can see, he's a candy loving child ready to gobble up whatever order he will demand! Here's the 3D model of him so far!

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The items

Our Game Artist also managed to create the reference sheet and 3D model of the items Jenny will have to manage and deliver to the customers! Starting off, here's the reference sheet of the items, with side and upper view of the item (upper view exceptions for the gummy bear and cherry bomb!)

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As we've mentioned on this devlog, the way items will work will follow a tier system that gets added in every in-day game:

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From Day 1 to Day 3, customers will only ask for the Tier 1 items, the cake and the 2 gift boxes.

From Day 4 to Day 6, customers will start asking for the Tier 2 items along with Tier 1 items, making your job harder. These items begin challenging your organization skills, as you'll have to find proper ways to organize them.

From Day 7 to Day 8, customers will also ask for the Tier 3 items along with items from previous tiers, increasing the ante, as these two items are much harder to stack, along with everything, increasing the challenge.

Last but not least, from Day 8 and beyond, the special Tier 4 item, the Cherry Bomb will now be asked by customers sometimes. This item is special, as when you receive it from the candy dispenser, it immediately starts ticking down! If you don't deliver this item to the customer in time, it blows up and sends a shockwave throughout the candy shop, moving the items around you. There may be a way to counteract this with something from the store... You'll have to think fast when you get this item!

As for the models themselves, here's what they look like along with Jenny for height comparison. These still need to be properly textured but here's a sneak peak on what they look like:

Last but not least, here's a sneak peak at a work in progress concept art of what the game will look like! The designs may change, so stay tuned for that!


As you can see here, we're also testing out UI ideas such as the Customer Insatisfaction Meter, which will tell you if you're doing well during your run! Don't let that meter fill up! If so, the customers will get angry, the store will close and it'll be a Game Over!

And that's a wrap!

With this, we end our Delicious Devlog for today! We hope you enjoy our progress!

Join us next Tuesday to know more about what we're working on and let us know your opinions and suggestions, we'd love to hear your feedback! Check out our previous Delicious Devlogs HERE!

Also follow us on Twitter for more updates: Secret Coin Studio's Twitter

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See you next week! - Secret Coin Studios

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