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Progress into 2024

News 2 comments

First off, it is a pleasure to write, as the Dawn of Darkness Mod Team, how much we appreciate your encouragement and love as well as supportive feedback to our mod in the making! All of those who have and those who silently follow us, thank you!

Our journey moving forward hath now started with the sandbox build, as several of you already know. Now that we have received an ENORMOUS number of pieces and results of other artists talents, we are making fine timing with the integrating aspect. However, this is NOT to say we are in a hurry, as there is no deadline set for this mod to be finished nor for even its first release out to the public, the Public Beta.

We are still in our larvae/pre-alpha stages so to speak so much has yet to be complete. To name a few, we still need to incorporate some UI, AI, Tech Tree build, as well as animations for some new units in the future. Nonetheless, we are still making great progress, all thanks to the wonderful artists who made the pieces of work we share for your eyes to see.

So far, we are picking up some momentum as we are working on Thunder Warriors, Solar Auxilia, and still in stages for the Legiones Astartes. But we also got the Talons of the Emperor started as well and right now, it's mainly testing (which we could use some additional Beta testers) to see what the game will allow for without choking the engine, so new units are still being added and will for much of the time to come since we still need AI worked.

Now here's where I need to address something. We have in the past received some negative and invalid opinions on what we are doing in THAT regard. Let me just say that there is NO WAY any full overhaul and added race mod is going to be successful in a timely manner without the approach our team is taking, which is to network with other artists for their 3D content. If you are told otherwise that person is lying through their teeth. To meet the standards of huge and ambitious mods like this one or 40k mods like Ultimate Apocalypse, Unification mod, etc., it is going to require a gigantic joint effort, even from non-team affiliates. The bigger the mod, the more community involvement is needed to pull off what is desired in practical timing. It's unrealistic not to take this approach, I don't care who you are or how good of a modder you may be.

I say this because I have upon browsing this website, seen a comment on one of the trending and popular mods that a dev mentioned something about it being a "shame" for other modders to take content from other mods or locations without the drive to make something new. I have a message for that dev who said this, and you know who you are. The mod in which you are making contradicts that statement 100% since all your mod happens to be is a MASSIVE cargo ship of a byproduct of said content from other created commons, by which you did not authentically create yourself.

Much of the community unfortunately keeps their mouth shut because of their fear or apprehension towards the other DoW mod devs but I for one am not afraid nor worried about said individuals, for they hold no authority to make new rules up as they go, and I will not be silent when it comes to pointing out the obvious truth. This is a COMMUNITY, not a segregated district. With that said, we as DoD hold to integrity AT ALL TIMES. We are very quick to credit the artists for their brilliance and if possible, personally thank them for their generosity, WITHOUT asking for anything in return for monetary gain.

I know and understand that was a lot to say, however, it was something that needed to be addressed due to how many times I have had people from the old dev team I was a part of talk massive amounts of shit about me along with what our team is accomplishing. It still remains unclear why they find it necessary to paint us out to be these bad guys. It won't go unabated, and rest assure we will continue to do our thing THE RIGHT WAY.

Time may yield the opportunity for people to have a change of heart. Who's to say that we won't have more and more interested enthusiasts to join in our efforts? Regardless of who all hops aboard in our efforts, we are several strong and will deliver to the community!

In the meantime, that's what we have for the year 2024 so far! Over the summer, now that most of us are out for the break, there should be a pickup of pace so stay tuned for more action! I'll see you all around and please, if you are new here, please feel free to follow our discord link to the Community server where this mod will be discussed about in deeper detail, as well as much more 30k/40k related topics, discussions, and fan comradery. Discord.gg

Thank you all for stopping by!


A message for the reader (Repost)

A message for the reader (Repost)


I apologize for reposting this article as I deleted the first one by accident and could not undo the mistake. Those who are here for the first time, welcome...

Post comment Comments  (70 - 80 of 99)
-Clyde - - 121 comments

Is this finally the emperor model that was supposed to be in the Adeptus Custodes mod? As far as I remember, earlier instead of the emperor there was Roboute Guilliman without textures))))

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

Hi Clyde.

The Adeptus Custodes mod is no longer under my supervision, nor in my ambition as a standalone for 40K mods, instead this mod will include them (the Custodes) and many other characters from the 30K era. I do plan to create every Primarch to my interpretation which will be as close to lore depictions as possible. It will take some time but this is a based mod. I will ensure the community gets what they expect and hope for. =)

Reply Good karma+9 votes
-Clyde - - 121 comments

So you'll be making all kinds of terminator armor like Cataphract, Tartaros, Aquilon, Allarus, and Saturnine-Pattern? That would be great, I hope your models and their textures won't stand out from the general style of the game or at least the FOK/POK time models.

Too bad you no longer own the assets of Adeptus Custodes mod, not so long ago I was testing it and if everything there was done only by you, it was a good job

You can tell me that the armor model Cataphract already exists and is in several modifications, but I do not consider it as such, this is the most bizarre attempt that I have seen, replace only the shoulders and call it a new armor, I hope that you do everything in the best form)

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

Yes, I will indeed include those Terminator patterns in this conglomerate modification. I simply plan on doing the models myself if I were to be denied permission. I'll only be limited by such things but since I am now more familiar with 3D modelling, I will have confidence in getting this off the ground. Someway somehow, it will be accomplished.

Don't sweat the Custodes mod. Those assets were not mine at all, rather they were from different authors of old. I'm unsure of but a few who contributed to that. Either way, I'm no longer worried about the mod for present 40K. But I am going to base mine from 30K art and depictions from the lore and the web as proper. They will be designated as the Legio Custodes since this is 30K.

I do agree with that. I personally do not like that Cataphract attempt. i understand it is all about conserving time but we players and modders especially are not stupid. We can tell what was borrowed and used to be a place holder until someone ambitious enough comes along and has the kahownes to pull it off completely. I for one do not plan to use it in my mod, not for the time being. No offense to its author but there is room for improvement, I'm sure.

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-Clyde - - 121 comments

Glad to hear it, do you think maybe then you'll take up centurions, heresy techs, dreadnoughts... although I think it's already too much, but I'd really like to see it all in execution, not as screenshots)

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

I may consider it depending on how much room things will fit. Dawn of War is limited with how much you can fit in for one faction but I believe in the future when this mod gets into its bread and butter (hence the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy expansions), much more potential will be had. Since I do plan to include a huge amount of Legions (20 to be exact), there's an enormous chance you will see these units but idk about centurions. Are they pre heresy/heresy era?

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-Clyde - - 121 comments

They were during heresy, the forgotten empire - when allperson or whatever his name is got into spacemarine's head he read that he wants to become a centurion
spirit of vengeance battle for molech -
Supposedly among those ultramarins who defended the gate to warp along with the eternal maiden was a centurion

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

Ah okay, nice. In that case, sure why not. They look cool and worth adding! =)

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Guest - - 698,246 comments

a mod about THE EMPEROR himself????? SIGN ME THE F*CK IN!!!

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Guest - - 698,246 comments

hype train

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Guest - - 698,246 comments

WTF When I was 15 in 2005 , I would play dawn of war with my friends at the local internet cafe , tabletop gaming shop. I know for a fact we had the Dark Crusade and Soulstorm expansions. One of my friends would often use Necrons. Dark Crusade according to internet wasn't released until 2006. I wasn't even in Australia with my friends in 2006. How did I have Dark Crusade a year before it came out. Soulstorm according to wiki didn't come out until 2008. So how was I playing it in 2005 ???? Am am experience the most inane mandela effect right now. HOW????

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IgorTheLight - - 107 comments

The thing is, our brain can create fake memories. You remember that you had a yellow hat but nope - it was red! When our brain loses some memories, he often just "reconstruct" them as good as it can. So, most likely, you started playing Winter Assault, then switched to Dark Crusade. Maybe even played Soulstorm later. But you brain just combined your memories together ;-)

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Arsaneum - - 3 comments

Hello community and Kim, Dawn of War Soulstorm has to be my favorite game of all time. The amount of mod work put into the game is astounding, but I have come across one concern with all this work and wonder if I can get some clarification. It's my understanding that soulstorm is a 32 bit game so it can only use 4gb of ram. This leads to (at least for me) games quickly become too large to handle when playing with more than one friend or one friend with 3v3/4v4 scenarios. Would coding this game from scratch to make it 64 bit a conceivable concept? My favorite part of this game is playing with friends. The new campaigns and characters are righteous, but playing alone only goes so far. Could we start some kind of funding and incentivize a project like this? I would really like to see this game have a stronger foundation so all the further mods could be used. Thank you for taking the time to read and/or answer.

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IgorTheLight - - 107 comments

Software engineer here: Dawn of War and all of it's expansions are 32 bit applications. That means that they can't use more that 2 Gb of RAM. Doesn't matter how much RAM your PC has or is your OS 32 or 64 bits.
There is a way to set a special flag in game's executable (that is possible for ANY 32 bit application) so it could "see" up to 4 Gb of RAM. It's highly recommended to do that before you would use any mod, so that could significantly decrease the possibility for game to crash.
DoW Mod Manager has that ability (LAA toggle), or you could search for "4 GB patch" for any executable.
Sadly, this will not make DOW executable a 64 bit application and without source code that would be VERY hard to do.

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

Hi Arsaneum.

You are correct that Dawn of War Soulstorm can handle 4gb of RAM. I'm not too sure if it is 32 bit but I would say yes from what I have observed. Recognize, this is a game that despite it was an expansion released in 2008, it still uses the same engine from the very first Dawn of War (released in 2004), almost if not a 20 year old engine. That is why these newer mods have such a hard time remaining stable, even with lower graphics settings. It's not how big or fancy one's PC is, the application still relies on the engine to perform and with the new ram heavy mods, it's hard on the engine.

I've monitored the community and the devs before and from what i recall, one of them was denied by Sega the 'source code', which may be the one true solution to this issue. It's supposed to make the game run 64 bit, while also tremendously increasing the ram capabilities, which means the sky would be the limit for what us modders could do.

I'm not certain if there is a coder brilliant enough to make something like this possible from scratch. However, all I can says is that i myself am a man of integrity with his works. Thus, I'm not sure about the funding aspect since modding is a hobby of mine. I don't ask for money and I'm also making moves in life for right now. Maybe in the future, there could be something for those who insist.

Thanks for bringing this up. =)

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Arsaneum - - 3 comments

Awesome! Thank you for the insight. I appreciate the integrity, it seems like a lot of the DOW modding community is just looking to enhance the game.
Maybe another idea can be pitched to sega to alter the source code. Might take a lot of brainstorming to find common ground with sega who is probably concerned about the financial side of things but who knows.

Good luck with your real life moves, get that requisition

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,550 comments

You're welcome and thanks! ^^

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