Unreal Demolition is being designed to showcase some of the most exciting vehicle combat available. The game can be described as something as simple as just driving around. However, the modes it covers make it much more than that.

The game features some of your favorite vehicles from Unreal Tournament 3, as well as others you've never seen before. You’ll see everything from hectic demolition derby style events, to deathmatch in vehicles, to vehicle soccer, sumo wrestling, and more.

Happy demolition!

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Things have been busy as of late, but I have managed to get a few things done on the mod since the last posting.

UI Improvements Continued
As mentioned in the last update, I was doing a lot of work on the UI to make it more complete for the mod. This process was completed with some help by the rest of the team. We now have splash screens, a main menu/front end map, gametype and map screenshots in the menus, and loading screens all completely tailored to Unreal Demolition. Although we've kept some things the same as UT3, such as the settings menus, and the in-game HUD elements, we've only kept those things that we feel fit in with the mod anyway. Overall, the mod now feels more like its own game, rather than an extension of UT3.

UT3 Patch 2.0 Fixes
UT3 Patch 2.0 brought a lot of really good changes to the table as far as mods go, but it unfortunately broke a few things with regards to the 1.3 -mod switch. These issues have all been fixed for the upcoming patch, and should result in an easier process of installation and execution of the mod for the end user. If you're having issues running the last Unreal Demolition release with 2.0, this will all be fixed in the upcoming release.

Overall, this was the biggest reason for the delay of the next release. Rather than release the next version of the mod back in January when it was more or less ready, I figured I should just wait for the new UT3 patch, and include more fixes.

New Gametype - King of the Hill
A UD fan emailed me the suggestion to include some form of King of the Hill in the next release, so that's just what I'll be doing. Basically, the mode is as follows:

  • Set of "Hill Spawns" placed around the level
  • A random hill spawn is chosen to be the active hill
  • If you are the lone player in this zone, you gain 1 point for every 2 seconds inside the hill
  • If there is more than one player in the zone, nobody gains any points, and the players must battle to gain control of the zone
  • After 60 seconds, the hill will switch to a new random hill

The mode is based on the Classic Demolition ruleset, so the regular chaos of that mode will be present, just with a bit of a twist by including the KotH mechanics.

Anyhow, I'm trying to push for a final release of this version within the next week or two, so stay tuned, and feel free to email us if you have any comments or suggestions.

Dan Weiss
Producer - Unreal Demolition

Progress Update

Progress Update

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Small progress update on the work since the last release of Unreal Demolition.

Unreal Demolition 2 - MSUC Phase 2 Build - Now Available

Unreal Demolition 2 - MSUC Phase 2 Build - Now Available

News 1 comment

The MSUC Phase 2 build of Unreal Demolition 2 now available, featuring new modes, new maps, and more excitement than ever.

Updates and Awesomeness

Updates and Awesomeness


UD had a strong showing in the MSUC Phase 1. More updates to come in the next few weeks.

Unreal Demolition Released

Unreal Demolition Released


Unreal Demolition 2's first release completed to coincide with Phase 1 of the Make Something Unreal Contest.

RSS Files
Unreal Demolition 2 Phase 3

Unreal Demolition 2 Phase 3


Unreal Demolition is being designed to showcase some of the most exciting vehicle combat available. The game can be described as something as simple as...

Unreal Demolition 2 - MSUC Phase 2 Build

Unreal Demolition 2 - MSUC Phase 2 Build

Full Version 2 comments

Unreal Demolition 2 - Public Release 2 (MSUC Phase 2)

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

I'll upload the release in a couple of days. I've had to cut a few things from the official MSUC release do to some major netcode related issues, so I'm hoping to get to fixing that this weekend or next weekend at some point, and making that my "official" 3rd release.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Finally I'm tracking the right one.

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

Patch 2.0 broke a few things in the mod, but overall it didn't change much. Just sort of plugging away at some things and adding in a new gametype that was mentioned to me. More updates when I feel like writing more than a few words.

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JediDoom - - 21 comments

are bots good at this? awesome mod :)

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

The bots work pretty well on Classic Demolition and Sumo. Demoball and Stunt don't work w/ bots though. The AI for those is going to be somewhat more complex to get working, so it's in the future work category there.

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

After struggling for the past couple of weeks to try and get ANY working build of Unreal Demolition running on the PS3, I have decided to indefinitely postpone a PS3 build.

As it is, I'm working with relatively undocumented tools, trying to do something that nobody that I'm aware of has done - convert a multi-gametype mod to the PS3, along with all of its current content. I've been trying to get just Classic Demolition going, with only the base content, only to have the PS3 continue to crash. Without any way of debugging this, there's simply no reliable way for me to know what is happening here, so for the time being, the PS3 version is cancelled.

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hideinlight - - 58 comments

Had problems with the installation.

When I copy the two folders UnrealDemolution2 and UTGame folder into
My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\
and start the game I see the gametypes with no maps

When I copy the UnrealDemolution2 into
My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC
and UTGame folder into
My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\
I can see gametypes, maps are double and I get stuck on the press fire screen.

How I got it to work is the same as above. Only difference is I cut the Config folder in My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\UnrealDemolution2\
and pasted it into
My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UnrealDemolution2\

BTW You only need patch 1.3 since it contains updated versions of all 3 bonus mpas. Installing the Bonus pack after 1.3 will result in you having the "old versions" and may give problems.

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

Wasn't aware that the 1.3 patch contained bonus pack updates as well. That's good to know.

As for installation problems, you shouldn't see any Unreal Demolition maps in the Ut3 executable. The gametypes will show up as a result of the configuration files needed, but Unreal Demolition runs seperate from the rest of UT3. In 1.3 they added the option of a -mod switch (similar to the UT2004 switch) to run mods in their own configuration sandbox, so you need to create a shortcut to run Unreal Demolition. There are more details on this (as well as some control configuration stuff) right at the top of the Unreal Demolition readme in the release package.

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

Uploading release 2. MSUC site gets first priority. Look for official release in a few hours.

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Lazor - - 53 comments

I've download it, played it and found it extremely nice. Congratz you've done an awesome job. All those 3 gameplay types are amazing.

I'll give you a 10 - just promise that you'll give us more maps and custom vehicles. The gameplay is already perfect

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weisso Creator
weisso - - 21 comments

More vehicles, more maps, more gametypes are all upcoming. What this release allowed us to do is get the core gameplay in place for the vehicles themselves. From here, we can now expand on what we have and go crazy.

Luckily for me, I've managed to assemble a team of extremely talented individuals, who like me on the last Unreal Demolition, are working on their first mod, and are eager to see what can really be done. I've also got Kyle Mulligan now working on maps (he did Docking Bay and Proving Grounds in the current release), so there can only be more great things coming in the level design area.

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Lazor - - 53 comments

Nice to hear that. Can't wait!

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