Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

RSS Reviews  (50 - 60 of 1,711)

Love it <3

Just EPIC really !!

The amount of work put into this mod is high quality and quantity. The modders done a beautiful job maintaining the balance and adding significant depth to the game with this amazing piece of work. Props to all the members of this project!

Best mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm.

Great work, I applaud you guys for this awesomeness!

Overbloated and unbalanced mess. Just adding as much **** as possible does not a good mod make in my book, and that is basically what this does.

This mod has completely revamped the original vanilla game, and brought perhaps the greatest RTS of all time into existence. UA is fantastic. It has diverse unit selections for customizable armies and strategies. It has a unique and intuitive resource system, and mastering your economy is just as relevant (if not more so) than fielding a vast army. It has multiple factions, allowing for even the most particular strategist to pick an army that best suits their individual gameplay style. It has awesome graphics, and spectacular battles which inspire and require excellent micro-managing skills to be competitive. It is, easily, my favorite mod of all time, and a great play for the rabid, voracious RTS gamer.

This is one of the best mod i have ever played. hope you don't stop improving this mod. We believe you guys can do it!

LOVE IT ( JUT CAn't find the bloody 3 race mods --_-- ) they are down or somthing

This is one of the most fun i've had with any mod it makes Dawn of war much more injoyable. also so much harder and funner Excuse my bad grammar i just wanted to give this mod a vote.. i don't normmally do so