Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

Report RSS Ultimate Apocalypse News - June

The progress and other discussions about the Ultimate Apocalypse mod in regards of the month of June. What will it contain? Find out today!

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Ultimate Apocalypse Mod

News - June

Version 1.74 could be completed by any day and we want to get rid of many bugs as possible before its release! There really isn't much news on our end besides 1.74 stuff and on top of that Inquisition Daemonhunters + Chaos Daemons! We are working hard on the mod, and it is going smoothly with new content we will release in a few days/weeks.

We do have some news about other events, though...

Recently, a new Steam version of Dawn of War Soulstorm was introduced. The new steam version fixes some countless logs of errors and patches new things, provided by THQ/Sega, so Soulstorm is now being supported!!!!

But of course like always, there is some things that backfire:

Steam version of Soulstorm and Dark Crusade:

This mod, for example, cooperating with the Ultimate Apocalypse mod team under some new implementations and the such has been rendered incompatible with the steam version of DOW. This is bad, this is very, very bad. The mod is the Darkness Within mod, single player campaign, perhaps the best mod ever to be created for single player, cannot go on because of the new steam patch. The accomplishments through this mod is really good. All art assets, the mission scripts, dialogue, and maps cannot be fully enjoyed without the Steam version working.

Therefor non steam versions of the game can only work for this masterpiece...

inqlab01Darkness Within Book ONE : -V-REVELATION deepstriking screenshots
the doorSalaazar Planetary Defense Force


Well for starters, a campaign needs a story line and a process in which you unlock the next mission. The Darkness Within mod team did this and completed it with their own .dll files that needs to be configured within the Dark Crusade mod engine. Yet Steam restricts that use and hence, the project cannot move on because of the access violations and security; new security of steam games everywhere for Dark Crusade renders mods like this, broken.

Please support them and heed to their call, here. They are hoping to sign a petition to go out and spread word to the makers of Dawn of War and allow access to their mod or otherwise it could really be the end for Steam users to not ever play this mod.

It also affects the UA mod.

So please help this mod in any way you can. Got steam version of Dark Crusade/Soulstorm? Too bad, you cannot play this mod or UA campaign ever. You gotta go out and buy the disk now. This is also what the Bloodline mod is facing!!!!

Link to Darkness Within, single player campaign.

If UA is the ultimate multiplayer experience, DW is the ultimate single player experience.

Campaign project for UA mod could be terminated without your help.

Bloodline mod has problems exactly like DW mod and their problems with steam...

Ultimate Apocalypse Trailer:

Ultimate Apocalypse Downloads:

Download the latest version, 1.73!

Ultimate Apocalypse Full Version (1.73)


Mega - Filesmelt - .Torrent file

If downloading from Mega, make sure you either use a Chromium-based browser (Chromium, Opera, Google Chrome) or install the Mega browser extension for Firefox, otherwise the file won't be saved correctly as it is a bit over 100MB. Official explanation here.

Get the latest patch! (Very Recommended!)

Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.73.4

Download the recommended map pack!

Version 1.73 Bonus Maps (Recommended Download)

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 72)
VoidLight - - 896 comments

Well I guess you could say I have always used the disk version so this does not mean much to me but I do feel bad for many DOW fans that may have purchased the game through steam.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Deuce_Savage - - 2,585 comments

Steam is like vaporware, you get what you unsuspecting pay for! Buy the DOW collection packaged bundle.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
Guest - - 700,209 comments

If you had the mod installed already it seems to continue working. Not sure why.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
X1Destroy - - 963 comments

I'm using non steam version but this is no way good news.

More reasons for me to dislike steam. Too much security craps.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Sanded - - 40 comments

Sorry correcting what I said earlier as I was the guest. I didn't realize this was over an update from back in May as I've only had SS installed since the first of June. Also I forgot I have an account here.

Did you only mean that future versions of the UA mod are going to have this problem?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

NP. ^^ :)

Future campaign versions of the UA mod, mainly after the 1.74 version release will be continued to be worked on before like in the Grand Release 2 years ago.

We have however ran into a little snag. Darkness Within thought to contribute to our mod a while back by including a campaign like interface that unlocks missions as you go. Finding out that steam disallows updated or different .dll files, the campaign will then basically be unlocked for all missions. So one can play mission 12 on the start (for example) and skip the entire story development.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Melkart - - 123 comments

Thanks for the info and your great work!

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Sanded - - 40 comments

So it can still be done without the .dll files, it just can't have the immersiveness. It's a shame but these are mods so I can't nitpick about the details so long as it works.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

It can't work, it can't work because:

- Missions will be free selected.
- All DOW maps will be in the way and not removed from selection, hence breaking game.
- Winconditions and player options will and cannot be removed.
- Missions cannot even complete without them.
- DOW revamped campaign adjustments. Including if a character dies or lives, that character will or will not be in next mission.

UA mod is also entitled to half, while DW is soley required to run the .dll.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lorsi - - 16 comments

Even these are partly bad news, I'm still excited about 1.74.
Shame that THQ went under (i was always hoping for a new dawn of war game since 2008).

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epic40k - - 276 comments

So the campaign is not going to happen because of steam? The physical game costs very little now and Steam has always been wonky with older games and modding. I understand helping people out that bought the game on steam but if it's going to end the kaurava campaign (and the mod for me imho) then can you not release a working version of the mod for the old working version of the game. Steam has ****** with many mods that aren't for skyrim. I don't understand trying to support it for this game. Are Relics latest fixes better than your mod and DoW modding in general? I highly doubt it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Sorry for the misunderstanding, Kaurava Campaign is not affected and will be all fine via steam and disc. It is mod's custom made campaigns separate from the Kaurava campaign that will be destroyed in the process. This means basically the entire mod of Darkness Within.

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Guest - - 700,209 comments

Roll back your game version. You'll only have LAN and direct connect to play with but it'll mean you can still play your mods.

steamcommunity .com/app/9450/discussions/0/522728269047847625/

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roman1170 - - 13 comments

That guide requires me to have an older version of soulstorm. I bought it literally today (thanks for the waste of money UA team) presumably after the update, so this doesn't help.

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Beaver-Titan - - 118 comments

Steam - When the **** hits the fan.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Melkart - - 123 comments

Hell, those are bad news. I had to get the Steam version because my old disk does not work well.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Deuce_Savage - - 2,585 comments

I was never a fan of STEAM nor will i ever be due to its limitations & anti-modding policy that it inflicts upon true modding! Its just a failed gimmick by the senseless corporate magnates who think they got another way to make money from gullible players! Buy The CD, you will be proud!

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Neon-Ghost - - 1,605 comments

I do love how steam has made games available for me in a place where no indie games ever come out.

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Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments

Steam has an Anti-Modding policy...say what? XD

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Death to Steam! They ruined gaming for me since I have a slow internet connection(dial up). They need to stop ruining old games

Please always stay on the disc version of DOW, or at least make versions for each, if you can

The Company of Heroes Eastern Front team switched to Steam, and that ruined it for me until I..*ahem* wont go any further...


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Sanded - - 40 comments

Steam is a double edged sword. I like how it's opened the way for indie gaming and ease of access for more gamers. But then there's the DRM and the fact that not everyone has a fast and reliable internet service.

I remember back when I had dial-up and had to download enormous mods and games. I know this pain.

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nhinhonhinho - - 266 comments

Well can't wait for the 1.74 . I want to play the Daemon (and killing them too) so badly :(

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ralph777 - - 640 comments

Steam is like a marshal law..

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THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

Ok, this has got to stop. I have seen far too much Steam-bashing when a great deal of the problems are either nothing to do with Steam, or not entirely to do with Steam. It seems there's a few myths that I've seen mentioned that need clearing up.

Myth One: Steam imposes DRM on games.
This isn't true. The DRM component, called Custom Executable Generation (CEG), is an OPTIONAL component of Steamworks. Hell, all the components of Steamworks are optional. Developers/Publishers can choose whether or not to implement them. In fact, CEG was designed as an ALTERNATIVE to DRM. See Gog.com and Steampowered.com for more information.

Myth Two: You need an internet connection to play games on Steam.
Only marginally true. You only need an internet connection to initially download (and authenticate if that's required) your games. Once you've done that, you can play them in offline mode or if the game in question supports it, run without Steam at all. What's more, you can make offline backups of your games so if something does go wrong, you can recover them without having to re-download them.

Myth Three: Steam is anti-modding.
This is generally incorrect and may only possibly be true in very rare circumstances. Obviously, if the modifiable executable protection is enabled for a game, Steam won't let you modify the game's executable. Of course, there doesn't seem to be anything stopping you from making your OWN executable to tie into the game like what has been done with Soulstorm if you are so inclined. Success will probably vary from game to game. Otherwise, there are no limitations that Steam imposes. All limitations, from what I've observed, tend to come from the games themselves.

Continued in reply.

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THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

Now, I'm not saying Steam is perfect or that it's the holy grail of gaming or anything like that. I know it has it's flaws, but the thing that sets it apart is that it when it can, it puts the customer first. That's a hell of a lot better than other solutions. I've used Steam for years and I haven't really found ANY disadvantage that didn't turn out to come from the game I was playing or the nature of computer systems in general.

With that cleared up, why not simply use a custom executable to tie in the DLLs from Darkness Within? We know that it can be done with Soulstorm, so maybe it can be done with Dark Crusade too?

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Jaguar-Lord - - 278 comments

Hello Mr Shadow,

if you have the slightest knowledge of how we can make Darkness Within work with the present version of Steam or make DW independant of any SteamDC future version please contact me whenever you have some time. We will be more than happy to know exactly what you are talking about.
More than that, we will be very happy to skip the theory step and begin production of such a fix right away.

The real problem with those dll comes that they are executed from within the game scar scrip during gameplay and relies on deeply modofied .screen and custom scar.
It is not only a modified DarkCrusade.exe that we need but the authorization to run those dll during game. i far from being an computer expert, so some real knowledge would be VERY usefull indeed !!


PS: i have nothing against steam in particular, and the fact that Steam take DoW under its wing is good for the game lifespan, no my worries goes elsewhere (and this has nothing to do with the game but more with intrusive technology)

i would prefer to have a direct contact and a chat with some Steam-DoWcommunity manager and even with Steam-Dow-dev but for the moment i was not blessed by such private communication. hence petitioning is an option.

edit : if someone knows a way to make a serious petition online ?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments


Hey bro, we are not "bashing steam", we are up against the latest Steam update THQ/SEGA creators provided that ---


If there is a way to make Darkness Within and UA mod campaign work without this problem, we are all ears. :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

@Cylarne and JL: I'm not saying you two were bashing Steam, but there are people who are. It's all well and good for them to criticise Steam, but not when it doesn't warrant it.

@JL: You should check out Moddb.com as a starting point. Shodar87 created alternative executables for both the retail and Steam versions that removes the 2GB memory limit that plagues 32-bit applications. It was simply a theory that occurred to me, but I wonder if this technique could be used to hook in the custom DLLs that Darkness Within requires. I don't know if it would work or not because I don't know exactly how those DLLs are used within the mod, but I just thought it would be worth looking into.

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Shodar released the steam .exe file before the DOW SS 1.3 steam patch update. It will not fix the problem...

The update prohibits each and every new or edited by users and not creators .dll file, you cannot make your own, and you can not certainly change the .dll files Relic/Sega restricted within the new steam update.

So a little confusion on your part. Bashers going against steam? I counted... 4 out of 21. Not counting those posted on JL's thread. ^^ I feel I made our message clear.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

1) I'm sure Shodar will probably create an updated version of the custom executable at some point. As you said though, it probably won't fix the problem.

2) Darn. Oh well, it was just a thought I had. Might as well say something than nothing, after all. Hopefully Relic/Sega will release another update that will fix this problem.

3) I know there were only a few people doing it, but I wanted to clear up the misconceptions before they spread further.

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Im sorry, but Steam is DRM. Is there a single game at retail that includes steam, but does not require you go online to authenticate it?

Thats DRM.

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Sanded - - 40 comments

Okay let's take an example: Starbound is a game that I can download through the Steam service, however it does not have DRM because it can be run without Steam entirely and it only needs to receive updates through the service.

I think he's more trying to point out that such limitations are not imposed by Steam, but a choice of the developer. So blame Relic/Sega.

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Hmmm, I suppose.

Still, when it comes to retail brick and mortar, it seems that Steam is nothing but DRM. Which is greatly offensive if you ask me.

I have no desire to use Steam as a way of purchasing games. I'd rather have a disc, and when it comes to older games...go on Amazon or something. And thats of course, besides that I cant do it anyway

BTW my girlfriend downloads large stuff for me. :P Thats how I get mods

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THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

@Sanded: Exactly. I was simply pointing out that the fault doesn't lie with Steam in this instance, but with Relic and/or Sega.

@Kriegtooth: If you missed it in my first post, here's a list of games that don't use Steam's DRM: Gog.com It's up to the developer/publisher whether to use it or not.

I'm not saying Steam is perfect, but as I mentioned before: it's a lot better than other more intrusive and damaging things.

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

I understand, but theres a problem. Most of those are indie or older games. In fact, Fallout 3 is listed. Um, I got Fallout 3 at release way back in 2008. It had no DRM except for a disc check. Why is it special that they release games that didnt have DRM on disc?

I bet if they re-release DOW, there will be a big bloody "Steam activation required!" warning on the back

When I go to Wal-Mart, every single game except casual stuff for moms, requires Steam. Thats my problem. Thats the DRM. If I cant just shove a disc in my offline gaming computer and load it up, its DRM.

But as you said, it is truly the publishers fault. But you know, I cant help but hate what kept me from PC games from 2008 until now.

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Guest - - 700,209 comments


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Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments


You do know steam has an Offline mode right?

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

If you buy a game at the store that requires Steam, you have to go online to activate it. You cant simply install it on an offline computer. There is absolutely no way to get around that.

So, since sacred Steam isnt DRM, how about we push for publishers to not use it's activation system, and it just becomes an online game store? Can we do that? Oooor will they just forever use it as DRM?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments

You do know that before alot of games Had you activate things online as well right?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Yes, as if that matters in what im saying. Lemme guess, you think im singling out Steam? If this were 2008, you could read my raging bile against SecuROM and that other one that nobody used

But SecuROM had the decency of making an offline activation mode for Grand Theft Auto IV for PC, that was cool of them

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments


No i don't It's just you have no idea what your talking about.

I tried to be nicer about it before but I just hate when people like you Blah blah blah yet know nothing about Steam, DRM etc.

I'm not a fan of most DRM but you know what? I'll live with Steams because Steam does so much more then just be a DRM factory.

Why don't you Complain about Origin or Uplay instead? FAR WORSE and FAR more intrusive then Steam.

Also Steam and Valve have done alot to SAVE PC Gaming.

Just go play a Console game if it's such a big deal.

Why Shiver me Timbers!

I Think I got it!

I Think I know why your bitter about Steam!

Lemme guess your a Pirate!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

I'll have you know im on DIAL UP. Do you understand that? I cant use any online activation DRM. Does that make sense?

Yes, I switched to console games because of Steam, Origin, Uplay, SecuROM, and all the other buddies. I despise them all

Also, I really dont think Steam has done much to halt piracy except give people who have moral qualms an "honest" alternative.

I have to ask since ive been jumped on and people dont seem to understand....

If you go to Wal-Mart, or Target, or GameStop, or any store that sells computer games, most games have a warning on the box, saying that you require an internet connection to "activate" the game with Steam

Steam, in that instance, is a form of DRM. Yes, Steam is other things. But when it comes to RETAIL GAMES at the BRICK AND MORTAR STORE, it is DRM.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments

Your on Dial Up?

So why is that Steam's Fault? or Even Uplay or Origin or Any DRM's fault.

I find it Amusing just because you have terrible Internet that you think it's Their fault..

Also if you cant even simply activate a Code then how can you down load a massive Mod like UA?


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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Not that hard really, get someone else to download it :

And I used to do it. I downloaded Europa Barbaroum for the original Rome Total War and Stainless Steel for Medieval 2. Took for flipping ever, but patience pays off

See, mods dont require you "activate" anything. Just throw the executable or files on a memory stick and enjoy.

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THEONLYDarkShadow - - 117 comments

You think having dial-up is bad? Try being limited to 30GB a month. Let me tell you, that doesn't last very long with my normal internet usage. I've had to cut back on what I do as a result. Unfortunately, it's with the only ISP available. There is literally no one else who can provide to the house I live in.

Regarding your other comments, there is something that needs to be addressed: Steam's primary function is not to stop piracy. It never has been and hopefully it never will be. That's why it's DRM component is optional, because Valve recognises that not everyone likes to use it. It was probably only included in the first place to convince publishers of AAA titles to sell on Steam. It's just one of those compromises you have to make as a company to stay ahead of the game. That also explains why it's mostly indie games that don't use the DRM. Steam tends to cater to indie games anyway, I've noticed.

This topic has been dragged on long enough, though, so I think we should bring it to a close. All I was doing was simply pointing out to people that they shouldn't blame Steam for things that Steam isn't responsible for. Whether Steam is any good is another debate entirely, one which is unrelated to the initial point I was making. People can criticise Steam all they want, but only when it is actually Steam that is at fault (and it does have it's faults).

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Guest - - 700,209 comments

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Sanded - - 40 comments

A new DoW update hit just a while ago. Anyone know what it did?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

They did not provide patch information, afaik.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments

You Just Alienated alot of Players.

I Don't Know what is is with this New Fad about "Not making it compatible with Steam" Seems sort of elitist.

I Under stand it has to do with how steam sets it's files and such but UA has always been fine with the steam version. *shrugs*

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

I think they saying that another mod is having problems, and that in the future, when the UA team is making a campaign, they will have problems, if they arent allowed to work with it.

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