Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

Report RSS Ultimate Apocalypse News - December

As far as we know, the next patches of 1.73 versions are very soon to come. Fan made content is soon to come. We are also in works for the private alpha, and we have an official name for it upon its release, which WILL NOT be Ultimate Apocalypse - Dawn of Daemonic Apocalypse <---- as it is kinda lame.

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Ultimate Apocalypse Mod

News - December

We are very close... close enough to say that the biggest release yet to come as you all may know from "Early November News", is very "almost" complete in global. Most factions are taken care of, the two biggest factions, such as Inquisition and Chaos Daemons are complete, and polish is almost done. What would be left to do is new content fixes, such as new units created from our modeler and icon needs from new content, those provided from our community manager/icon man.

On top of that, we hope to make the AI VERY SMART, and playtest it for balance fixes. So you can expect at least good balance and great AI upon the release of UA - THB.

1.73 Patches Progress:

You can expect 1.73.9 this week... if today was Sunday, so starting Sunday, you will get version 1.73.9 within that week. You can expect major changes applied to Necrons, end game changes applied to Tyranids, and nerfs for Tau Montka units and a crude bug that is in general fixed. On top of this, many other things are to come, and if you play the UA mod, this is the version to get. We may also add a new unit! :) Who knows...

1.73 Bonus content/fan made content:

You can expect them released starting Sunday and not much later. The fan made map pack is ready for release, and it will contain a BUTT TON of stuff that each of you can check out, like Apocalyzed maps (MUCH recommended download (especially if you play the old Apocalyzed maps)), fan made mods (count of 5), and a little more within it, including 1 secret surprise inside. ;) The Apocalyzed maps were also very much improved, which also fixes many of the bugged maps released within the 1.73 map pack.

As for the next grandest Release (name):

It will not be called UA - DODA. Our 100% apologies for the confusion, as some of you, including me would admit, it is not a very good and catchy name + it is kinda long. So some time after it was named UA - DODA, we decided to call it UA - THB (Ultimate Apocalypse - The Hunt Begins). It fits the IDH and Chaos Daemons explicitly, and it is shorter of a name, plus more catchy. I like it, and upon the next grandest release, it WILL NOT be called UA - DODA or UA version 1.74, but instead; "Ultimate Apocalypse - The Hunt Begins." Again we are sorry for the confusion, but it is what it is.

As for the next grandest Release (status):

All percentages are not based on a mathematical equation and are made up by the feel of completion by the developer. 100% completed could take as little as a day or as big as several months to accomplish.

  • 1.74 core design - 100%
  • Polish - 70%
  • Coding/bug fixes/balance - 90%
  • Scenarios/maps - 99.9%
  • Winconditions - 55%
  • AI - 15% (We're redoing every single race)
  • Inquisition - 95.223%
  • Daemons - 99.9%
  • Necrons - 99.9%
  • Sisters - 96%
  • Tau - 99%
  • Space Marines - 97%
  • Chaos - 87%
  • Tyranids - 70%
  • Orks - 99.9%
  • Imperial Guard - 89%
  • Eldar - 90%
  • Dark Eldar - 95%
  • Overall feel of release right now this very second - 70%

Ultimate Apocalypse Trailer:

Ultimate Apocalypse Downloads:

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ralleo1980 - - 188 comments

Wow, great news... expecting UA-THB or whatever it's named n_n


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Kimberly⠀the⠀Cat - - 4,567 comments

OMG! I wants me that download!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Doshka17 - - 144 comments

On the edge of my seat waiting for inquisition's return! Love the work you guys do!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
iTziiMagiKx - - 2 comments

Speaking of nerfs... have you seen the tyranid hive tyrant? it steam rolls everything tier 1 and that's when you get it. Nothing can stop it. "Early game"

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Wrong place to post bugs. Forums, "feedback" section. :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments

Sounds epic! Cant wait!

Curious, are there any plans to update the Necron to the modern GW style?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

A chance, but it is not a high one. It depends on models released.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
evilerink - - 151 comments

*puting his power boots*
just have to wait tjis horde of deamon over there they are closing in ...I can smell them, I can feel them... TIME TO KICK SOME *** ! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
DRazor - - 70 comments

Luv to hear this =)
Keep it up

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SouIstormfan - - 889 comments

Great news!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
LordDWM - - 70 comments

Thank you for this news and for your hard work !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Kryptonater - - 241 comments


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moddlord1 - - 11,188 comments

YES let the hunt begin!!

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Guest - - 700,198 comments

Do all races get new units?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Maybe 80% of them, but we are still not finished with the mod yet, so maybe 100%. Who knows.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Saryk360 - - 14 comments

Were the new maps released yet ?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments Reply Good karma+1 vote
Neodreadlord - - 6 comments

Will you be ever able to get the mod to work with the Campaign?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

I can safely answer: yes.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Neodreadlord - - 6 comments

happy days....so question number 2 or challenge number 2...multiplayer campaign? lol

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paradig124 - - 245 comments

Im just wondering
In relation to The Hunt begins
Does it finally allow us to play Inquisition Daemonhunt and Chaos Daemons officially

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Guest - - 700,198 comments

would you guys consider a horus heresy patch?

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Lumiel - - 1 comments

How about add necron tesseract vault in upcoming new grand release?

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BlackDragon3055 - - 3 comments

Which units will have necrons?
Doomsday cannons "?
Leach - guards ?
Praetorians ?
Night scythe ?
Crypteks ?
Annihilation barges ?

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VirtualDreamer - - 6 comments

can't wait to have the campaign back with all those featurs :D

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srpskidow - - 7 comments

Can someone pls tell me what performances i need to play this mod without bag or lag. I want to play perfectly smoot 4 vs 4 orks, i will buy new pc all becouse of this mod, i see it is not optimized, becouse i play on intel i7 4ghz,8gb of ram and pair of r9 video cards, soo i want to know what i need to by of components for my new pc

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srpskidow - - 7 comments

Multiplayer campaign, coop pls, can u make it? pls answer yees xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
KalidhoS - - 50 comments

As always, thank you very much for your hard work, it's sublime how you reshaped DoW!

Quick question if I may ask, will the next release already be the almighty TheHuntBegins or will you still make patches like 1.73.10, 1.73.11 and so on, before releasing THB?

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