Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

Forum Thread
Technical Issues (Games : Dawn of War : Mods : Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS) : Forum : Feedback : Technical Issues) Post Reply
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Apr 7 2021 Anchor

Hey, i dl the mod (1.89) unpack in my ss folder, launch the game and when i want to activate it, my game restart as usual but right after i have an error saying that activation failed and that's all. Any idea ? Did i miss something ? I supposed in a first time that that was just a patchnote but i don't found a full version anywhere. help x)

Apr 11 2021 Anchor


Turns out I had downloaded duplicates of the v0.5b3 Tyranid Mod, and redownloading the v0.5b2 mod and installing it fixed the issue. The problem is that you've probably tried the competitor's mod and it uses the later version of Tyranids, but decided to come back to UA using the latest version of Tyranids that doesn't work in UA-1.89.

These are the things you need:
The game itself, patches 1.1 and 1.2, Tyranids Mod v0.5b2, FreeUI v2.78, UA-1.89... Install in that specific order. Open "Mod Manager 2.1.5" and activate LAA.

But I'll leave the full error log in here in case someone decides to work on the implementation of the v0.5b3 Mod later

10:22:34.25 MOD -- Initializing Mod ultimateapocalypse_thb, 1.89 Rebalance
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\DXP2.ucs due to overlapping range with DXP2\Locale\english\DXP2.ucs
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\Tyranids.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\Tyranids.ucs
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\WinConditions.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\change_players.ucs
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Chaos_Daemons\Locale\english\Daemons.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\Daemons.ucs
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to load archive 'W40k\W40kDataGOTY.sga'
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Locale\english\Data'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Sound\Full'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Music'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Whm\High'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Locale\english\Data'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Sound\Full'.
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Whm\High'.
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028510' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Research\ork_klan_nuddyfist.rgd
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028604' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Weapon\daemon_flamer.rgd
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16200003' does not fit in a valid key range!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16200009' does not fit in a valid key range!
10:22:34.25 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Abilities\sisters_crusader.rgd
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028512' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028513' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028514' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028515' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028516' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028516' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028608' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028609' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '1' does not fit in a valid key range!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '1' does not fit in a valid key range!
10:22:34.25 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '17014233' does not fit in a valid key range!
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebps\races\tyranids\troops\tyranids_hierophant.rgd' ability_ext - ability 'abilities\tyranids_building_depression_aura.lua' is not a valid ability!
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebps\races\tyranids\troops\tyranids_hierophant_max.rgd' ability_ext - ability 'abilities\tyranids_building_depression_aura.lua' is not a valid ability!
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebps\races\tyranids\structures\tyranids_capillary_tower.rgd' ability_ext - ability 'abilities\tyranids_building_depression_aura.lua' is not a valid ability!
10:22:34.25 MOD -- Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebps\environment\gameplay\tyranids_capillary_tower_multiple.rgd' ability_ext - ability 'abilities\tyranids_building_depression_aura.lua' is not a valid ability!
10:22:34.25 WXP Mod Init -- Failed load for step: 'MOD Data Validation'
10:22:34.25 Mod Interface Init -- Failed load for step: 'Mod Init'
10:22:34.25 GAME -- Failed to initialize MOD 'UltimateApocalypse_THB'!
10:22:34.25 FE -- Failed to init MOD!
10:22:34.25 GAME -- Ending FE
10:22:34.25 GAME -- Shutdown quit
10:22:34.35 SPOOGE -- 4072.00MB available texture memory
10:22:34.35 SPOOGE -- 4072.00MB available texture memory
Application closed with error code 4

Edited by: z1mt0n1x

Apr 13 2021 Anchor

I am playing on the latest version and I also have experienced the AI crashes a lot.
The faction I usually played was the Imperial Guard. The crash usually happened somewhat
around the 30 to 35 minutes mark, somewhat when I got close to the tech level which allowed
for titans.

Apr 17 2021 Anchor


I just found out the UA modd, seems really awesome !

One issue, I can't use it ... I've downloaded everything, run the installer etc...

Everytime I click the start mod button everything seems to run perfectly and suddenly I end up on my desktop w/o an error message...

I've used the check errors button and i've this messsage:fatalerror

Does anyone had the same issue ?

Thannks for the help


Apr 19 2021 Anchor

Hello. So i have an issue.


Apr 20 2021 Anchor
m-jaeckle wrote:


In the mod launcher press that button "Toggle LAA" so those red texts become green.

Apr 21 2021 Anchor
MagicMeth wrote:

Hello. So i have an issue.


You need the Sisters of Battle patch.

m-jaeckle wrote:


I just found out the UA modd, seems really awesome !

One issue, I can't use it ... I've downloaded everything, run the installer etc...

Everytime I click the start mod button everything seems to run perfectly and suddenly I end up on my desktop w/o an error message...

I've used the check errors button and i've this messsage:fatalerror

Does anyone had the same issue ?

Thannks for the help


Turn LAA on or else the game runs at 2GB RAM and crashes.

Edited by: z1mt0n1x

Apr 27 2021 Anchor

The mod does not start and when I click on

When I try to start the mod it crashes, clicking on the "Check for errors" button comes out that note.
Does anyone know what to do?

Apr 29 2021 Anchor
jhonnyfindus2 wrote:

The mod does not start and when I click on

When I try to start the mod it crashes, clicking on the "Check for errors" button comes out that note.
Does anyone know what to do?

Looks like it may be an issue involving the fact you have the wrong tyranids version, if changing tyranids to .5b2 does not work, i suggest clearing the soulstorm file and reinstalling everything

m-jaeckle wrote:


I just found out the UA modd, seems really awesome !

One issue, I can't use it ... I've downloaded everything, run the installer etc...

Everytime I click the start mod button everything seems to run perfectly and suddenly I end up on my desktop w/o an error message...

I've used the check errors button and i've this messsage:fatalerror

Does anyone had the same issue ?

Thannks for the help


Hey Mitch, this is an Issue I am incredibly familiar with and have been trying to work a fix myself

in the meantime, I would suggest clearing the directory and reinstalling UA (also i suggest enabling LAA)

May 30 2021 Anchor

I have several issues from 1.88.74 to 1.89
1. Relic resource does not increase at all at least in Imperial Guard fraction. (Orks also doesn't have increasing of the relic resource)
2. Orks boomy platform doesn't shoot at all, even if you select target in the shooting area manually by red arrow. The same is for imperial guards stationary artillery.
3. Upgrades of each boomy platform does not work - it's impossible to learn the first upgrade, but possible to choose to learn. The same is for imperial guards stationary artillery.
4. Orkz need a detector tower with possibility to see all invisible units in a huge range, more than artillery cause all orkz detectors are weak and expensive. For example, imperial guard has scanners in headquarters, space marines has detector in all squads, but orkz have only tankbusterz and machines with rockets without armor and life. Another detectors are unique.

Edited by: Inqizitor

Dec 10 2021 Anchor

Hi, every time me and my friends play it works on hard difficulty, but they are both brand new and keep getting slaughtered. Everytime we try and launch on standard difficulty it crashs instantly. Anyone have the same issue/know a fix? Love the mod and all the effort you lot put in 🤜🤜🤜🤌

Apr 15 2022 Anchor

It seems that latest update started crashing again if SoB as a one team member in skirmish games, no matter if player or AI.

May 6 2022 Anchor

My favorite DOW mod is testing my dedication of late, crashes in latest version became quite unbearable, in (I think it was) 1.89.2 I had occasional fatal AI error but it was once every other game, now I get booted back to desktop instead with no error whatsoever after 20-30m like clockwork. Anyone knows if something can be done about it on my end?

Also would it be possible to add quick save function to the game? If crashes are here to stay it would alleviate the pain somewhat.

May 9 2022 Anchor

Eeeerm, i don't know if this has been reported yet, but it is still impossible to construct the Command Reaver Titan (for Imperial Guard) it requisite to have a General, but no such unit exist in the game. The Primary commander unit is, well, the Command Squad, you can have to Lieutenants, one Colonel, but no General.

And yes, i know that the core of the Command Squad is the General, but it does not allow the production of the Titan.

May 13 2022 Anchor

It seems that the crashes may occur to some races involved. Like Styr0 my game can crash about the same time, seems not to be ralative about what map or how many AI players, but certain races.

I just had a long 2h game 3vs3 where I, as SoB with SM and IG were teamed against team of Orks in Pavonian heartland. Game ran without crashes. I must test more, but if I remember correctly, CSM and Eldar involved AIs crash more often.

e: Works with Tyranids and Tau also, also Eldar/DE seem not to crash.

e2: Game with me as an Eldar, allied with Tau and SM against 3 CSM crashed.

e3: 3vs3 Necrons vs Tyranids, game didn't crash.

e4: Had a IG, SM & Eldar vs 3 Orks, game crashed. Seems random, not a very long game this time, have had a lot longer games running into the full end without crashes.

e5: Had a game in Quiet Forest as an IG with allied Tau, against Tyranid, Orks and DE; (they weren't allied together) Game crashed in less than 10min.

Tried it again with same result, game crashes in the very first clash with Tyranids. IG 1, Tau 2, DE 3, Orks 4 and Tyranids 5 slot, fixed starting positions.

Third try: 2CMS vs DE, Orks, Tyranid in Quiet Forest, crash in 10min.

4th run: 2CSM vs Tau, Orks, Tyranid; Game ran a bit (twice) longer than previous two, but crashed.

5th run: 2 DE vs Tau, Orks, Tyranid; crash in 10 min.

6th run: 2 IG vs Tau, Orks, Tyranids, as above.

7th run: IG & Tau vs Tyranid, Orks, Tyranid; game did not crash.

8th run: Eldar & DE vs 3x Orks; game crashed like 4th run.

We seem to have same issue. Even though some maps and teams crash the game very fast, there seems to be an effect when game has been running about that half an hour, it just flips over.

Styr0 wrote:

My favorite DOW mod is testing my dedication of late, crashes in latest version became quite unbearable, in (I think it was) 1.89.2 I had occasional fatal AI error but it was once every other game, now I get booted back to desktop instead with no error whatsoever after 20-30m like clockwork.

Had again a skirmish in Agamar desert, btw map shown spawn points are flawed, me as an Eldar teamed with another AI Eldar and Inqvisition against 3 Tyranid: Game lasted till annihilation 51min without crashing.

SM and Tyranid game ending superweapons seem not to work, both don't appear into nuclear center & equilevant after reserch.

e: Battlefield Gothic Protocol is triggered automatically 'ON' after research, no activate button to lauch; Fire just starts to rain into enemy base.

Lictor alpha sometimes stays stealth on, not visible by units or structures who are detectors. One can see its there attacking your units, but they can't see it.

Edited by: mariini

Sep 27 2022 Anchor

So a problem I have been running into has been playing against an Easy AI, 1v1 map, and after a good bit of time in, suddenly I'll get the "You have destroyed your enemy's HQ message" and the game will end. Is this a bug or is the AI surrendering? I took the increased AI option for better pathing but didn't think it would lead to that.

Oct 15 2022 Anchor

After the last 5XD update game forgots its settings in skirmish, everything always default, also sound settings.

Oct 27 2022 Anchor

After the last 5XD update game forgots its settings in skirmish, everything always default, also sound settings.

I have the same bug, and half of Game Rules are missing (even running dow mod manager or game as administrator)

Edited by: Drdencil

Jan 13 2023 Anchor


To fix skirmish, download this.

Apr 4 2023 Anchor


My friend is encountering an issue whereby his game will crash at a random interval after starting a match.

The error log is as follows:

18:46:30.94 SOULSTORM started at 2023-04-04 18:46
18:46:30.94 OS NT 6.2, 0MB Physical Memory
18:46:30.94 RUN-OPTIONS -modname UltimateApocalypse_THB -nomovies
18:46:30.94 WORKING-DIR E:\steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Soulstorm
18:46:30.94 USER Fierce PC
18:46:35.17 GAME -- SigmaApp:InitSteam: appID is 9450
18:46:35.17 MATHBOX -- Version=5, Cpu=AMD Athlon 64:f=15,m=8, Mode=SSE
18:46:35.17 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'
18:46:35.17 GAME -- Warning: Failed to map folder 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'.
18:46:35.17 GAME -- Warhammer, 1.3.3107442, Build 3107442
18:46:35.17 SPOOGE - Driver[Dx9 : Hardware TnL] on adapter[0], version[4,32]
18:46:35.17 SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nvldumd.dll Device = \\.\DISPLAY1 Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
18:46:35.17 SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE Device = 0x21C4 SubSys = 0xC75A1462 Rev = 0x00A1
18:46:35.17 SPDx9 -- Driver Version Product = 0x001B Version = 0x0015 SubVersion = 0x000E Build = 0x1677 (5751)
18:46:35.17 SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-6284-11CF-A561-54E71BC2D635}
18:46:35.17 SPOOGE -- 4081.00MB available texture memory
18:46:35.17 SPOOGE -- 4081.00MB available texture memory
18:46:35.17 GAME -- Available memory: 32703MB RAM, 37517MB Pagefile
18:46:35.17 GAME -- Beginning FE
18:46:35.19 FE -- Loading front end.
18:46:35.19 FE -- Cursor hidden.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Initializing Mod ultimateapocalypse_thb, 1.89.51
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\DXP2.ucs due to overlapping range with DXP2\Locale\english\DXP2.ucs
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\Tyranids.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\Tyranids.ucs
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Tyranids\Locale\english\WinConditions.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\change_players.ucs
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Failed to load file Chaos_Daemons\Locale\english\Daemons.ucs due to overlapping range with UltimateApocalypse_THB\Locale\english\Daemons.ucs
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to load archive 'W40k\W40kDataGOTY.sga'
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Locale\english\Data'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Sound\Full'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Music'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Whm\High'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Locale\english\Data'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Sound\Full'.
18:47:41.61 MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Whm\High'.
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028510' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Research\chaos_commander_level1.rgd
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212022' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212023' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212024' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212022' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212023' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212024' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212022' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212023' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '18212024' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Research\ork_klan_nuddyfist.rgd
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028604' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Weapon\daemon_flamer.rgd
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Weapon\ork_bombsquig_blowup.rgd
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16200003' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16200009' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for Abilities\sisters_crusader.rgd
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028512' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028513' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028514' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028515' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028516' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028516' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028608' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028609' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '16028607' does not exist!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '1' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '1' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 LOCALIZER -- Requested string ID '17014233' does not fit in a valid key range!
18:47:41.61 UTIL -- Failed to Load BinaryConfig file: 'DATA:Attrib\EBPs\Races\Necrons\Troops\necron_heavy_destroyer.rgd', error: 'Failed to seek to end of chunk'
18:47:41.61 SIM -- Failed to load blueprint for EBPs\Races\Necrons\Troops\necron_heavy_destroyer.rgd!
18:47:50.62 SetOwnVersionAndDataChecksums modName:winter assault modDllFile:WXPMod.dll modVersion:1.89.51 appBinaryCRC:1596077307 dataCRC:206085050 modDllCRC:1077236955
18:47:50.62 GAME -- Using player profile captin roe
18:47:51.24 Lobby - LOE_PlayerCompleteStats received
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading badge 'guard_race/Cadian412' for player (0)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading banner 'guard_race/Cadian412' for player (0)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading badge 'Dark_Eldar_race/BloodiedClaw' for player (1)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading banner 'Dark_Eldar_race/BloodiedClaw' for player (1)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading badge 'Dark_Eldar_race/All-SeeingEye' for player (2)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading banner 'Dark_Eldar_race/All-SeeingEye' for player (2)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading badge 'guard_race/Cadian180' for player (3)
18:49:12.28 Skirmish - loading banner 'guard_race/Cadian180' for player (3)
18:49:12.92 APP -- Game Start
18:49:12.92 GAME -- Ending FE
18:49:12.92 GAME -- Shutdown play
18:49:12.92 GAME -- Beginning skirmish mission '4p_Abbots_Hill_WA' (3 Computers)
18:49:12.92 GFx -- loading file DATA:ART\UI\SWF\LOADINGSCREEN.gfx
18:49:12.92 GFx -- loading file DATA:ART\UI\SWF\LOADINGSCREEN.gfx
18:49:12.92 GFx -- loading file DATA:ART\UI\SWF\FontBody.gfx
18:49:12.92 GAME -- Recording game
18:49:12.92 GAME -- Initializing sync checking...
18:49:12.94 GAME -- Initializing FX Manager...
18:49:12.96 GAME -- Initializing Rendering Systems...
18:49:12.96 GAME -- Initializing NISLets...
18:49:12.98 GAME -- Initializing World Blueprints...
18:49:12.99 GAME -- Initializing Scene Graph...
18:49:13.01 GAME -- Initializing MOD systems...
18:49:15.06 GAME -- Initializing Session...
18:49:15.06 GAME -- Initializing Players...
18:49:15.13 GAME -- Initializing SCAR (Pre-Sim) systems...
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/_apocalypse_rules.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/addon_armyincrease_2.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/addon_armyincrease_3.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/addon_fortress.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/addon_legiotitanicus.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/addon_titanwars_extreme.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/annihilate.scar)
18:49:15.47 MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/GAMETIMER.SCAR)
18:49:15.47 GAME -- Initializing Team Colour Systems...
18:49:20.95 GAME -- Preloading all models...
18:49:26.38 GAME -- Applying Team Colours...
18:49:26.97 GAME -- Initializing UI...
18:49:26.97 GAME -- Initializing LUA...
18:49:26.97 GAME -- Initializing SCAR (Post SIM)...
18:50:27.56 GAME -- Precaching Events...
18:50:27.58 GAME -- Initializing Sim-Vis Handlers...
18:50:27.83 GAME -- Initializing music...
18:50:28.38 GAME -- Initializing AI...
18:50:28.38 GAME -- Initializing SCAR...
18:50:28.48 GAME -- Preparing Sim-Vis...
18:50:28.49 SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to Low
18:50:28.49 GAME -- Local player (captin roe, 0) finished loading (0) (-2 seconds)
18:50:45.86 GAME -- Starting mission...
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_annihilation_beam
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_corrosive_cloud
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_piercing_vision
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_rekindle_rage
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_rend_soul
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_screams_of_the_damned
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soulstorm
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_speed_frenzy
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_veil_of_shadows
18:50:45.92 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_annihilation_beam
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_corrosive_cloud
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_piercing_vision
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_rekindle_rage
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_rend_soul
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_screams_of_the_damned
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soulstorm
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_speed_frenzy
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_veil_of_shadows
18:50:45.94 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:50:46.08 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_detection_field
18:50:46.08 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_bolster_defenses
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_smoke_grenades
18:50:54.33 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:50:54.69 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:03.82 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_leach
18:51:03.82 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:51:03.96 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_leach
18:51:03.96 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_bolster_defenses
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades_lieutenant
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_kasrkin_frag_grenades
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades
18:51:06.71 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades_lieutenant
18:51:14.42 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:51:14.42 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_footonfire
18:51:14.43 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:51:14.43 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_footonfire
18:51:14.82 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:15.07 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades_lieutenant
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_kasrkin_frag_grenades
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades
18:51:19.07 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades_lieutenant
18:51:25.65 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_shock
18:51:25.65 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_shock_2
18:51:25.65 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:28.40 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_shock
18:51:28.40 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_soul_shock_2
18:51:28.40 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:28.53 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:30.90 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:32.15 info is null:false bad ability name: all_autorepair
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades_lieutenant
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_kasrkin_frag_grenades
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades
18:51:40.53 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades_lieutenant
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_demo_charge
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_demo_charge_detonate
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_smoke_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_bolster_defenses
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_frag_grenades_lieutenant
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_krak_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_kasrkin_frag_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_flashbang_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades
18:52:03.59 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_grenades_lieutenant
18:53:01.02 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:53:01.02 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_footonfire
18:53:01.77 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
18:53:01.77 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_footonfire


9:10:42.37 info is null:false bad ability name: all_run!
19:10:42.37 info is null:false bad ability name: dark_eldar_footonfire
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_smoke_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: all_bumpertank
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_smoke_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: all_bumpertank
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_smoke_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: guard_nervegas_launchers
19:10:42.62 info is null:false bad ability name: all_bumpertank

Anyone got any answers as to how to fix these ability issues? Or if that will even fix the crashing?

Many Thanks,

Jun 20 2023 Anchor

Try new version and its beta installation feature.

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