Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!


This update brings the Ultimate Apocalypse Mod to the latest public version of 1.88.71! We made it a full installer again because we moved so many files that a patch wouldn't work properly (We tried it and got lots of pink boxes again). However there's been added some goodies that should make up for the inconvenience of downloading everything again ;-). PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION!!!!!

UA-THB v1.88.71-Full
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 120)
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

First :D
Jk, yayyyy

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments

First boi! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Lord_Cylarne Creator
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

To view how to install or changelogs, see "read more..." in description above!

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Lord_Cylarne Creator
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Post feedback HERE

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Bronx9146 - - 66 comments

Are you guys planning to overhaul the Soulstorm Campaign if possible?

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MRcancerenhancer - - 2 comments

YES its time!^tm

so hyped. so hyped so hyped.

and time to make myself public enemy number 1


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InquisitorHereticus - - 1 comments

Your talking mad **** for someone in chainsword distances.


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Guest - - 700,068 comments

God Emperor finnaly a new update, best day :Q

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
AcePilot1 - - 197 comments

Yes, all over my face plz.

It's been three years for the new update on moddb page. What a glorious day!

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

Долго ждал надеюсь анимации добиваний в ближнем бою пофиксили

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 700,068 comments

What news?) Change pls)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Lord_Cylarne Creator
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

You can find it by navigating to description and boom!

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

The Dark gods are pleased!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
REAPER_40K - - 101 comments

By the Emperor its finally here!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Lewd1 - - 1 comments

thanks for removing herobrine he scared me and destroyed my economy

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Lord_Cylarne Creator
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments


Reply Good karma+4 votes
Gambit_1 - - 2,537 comments

Congratulations to the UA team, and all those that worked hard, so that to achieve this magnificent feat! :)
Thanks for this release brothers.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Lord_Cylarne Creator
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Brother Gambit! An honor you join our glorious release day! Hehehe. <3

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Redzombie001 - - 24 comments

thank god they removed herobrine.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
seriousjin - - 48 comments

Huh?? Was he in the last version o.O

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments


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PhotogenicWhorse - - 129 comments

pardon my french but this mod is FRIGGIN' SWEET! (p.s. sorry for swearing mods please dont ban me).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments


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50ShadesofGray - - 415 comments

Well. i guess ill reinstall SS then

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 700,068 comments

Did you fix that problem with IG badges while playing against Eldars ?

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Ildorin - - 2 comments

So there's no need to download Nids anymore?

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FragJacker Author
FragJacker - - 1,624 comments

You still need to download them.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
echo11 - - 138 comments


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Guest - - 700,068 comments

is there any buff to eldars or are they the same?

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

Not in this patch, but they'll probably receive some love down the line. The team is planning to release much smaller, but more frequent updates/patches while we wait for the next grand release.

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vilios - - 11 comments

Doing the Emperor's work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
drdarkwind - - 3 comments

guys, i have noticed a bug with eldars. when researching holograph research that gives shield to your "normal" vechiles, ex: falcon gravity tanks, the shield doesn't come up upon researching.

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drdarkwind - - 3 comments

Me and my friends noticed the multiplayer game happens to crash alot for no apparent reason..

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Patriots1234 - - 27 comments

When you have time to respond. Do I delete the previous files of the mod from my folder? I can not find a read me from the new update. If I missed it, I apologize in advance.

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Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments

The installer deletes the old installation automatically.
No need to do anything.But,do apply the 4gb patch anew just in case.

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Bladelight - - 35 comments

I have to download everything again?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
WarpDust - - 32 comments

How does AI build second-level Eldar turrets, if they are not in the construction panel? There is only the first level of the turret and the third, second level for the construction was 2-3 updates back, then it was removed. Will it be fixed later?

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goldsolder - - 7 comments

After 5-10 minutes the game crashes to desktop, installed everything according to instructions, same problem, was constantly on 1.88.5 thought fixed in 1.88.7. As a result, it is simply impossible to play in the mod, already tried everything to solve this trouble. When to expect a fix for these random crashes?

Steam version of the game, Win 10.

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goldsolder - - 7 comments

Don't know how it happened, but after the settings are updated versions 1.88.71 the game has ceased to crash, I played the battle 3vs3 for the Imperial guard along with ultramarines and blood ravens against orks, Tau and Eldar, the game has not taken off, I finished the fight. For the first time is for a period of time xD

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SonsofKairos - - 8 comments

What settings did you update that seemed to stop crashing?

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goldsolder - - 7 comments

Graphic settings are low, sounds are low too.
But still the game crashes to the desktop, I'm right now the 3rd game started with different combinations. Chaos and demons against the space Marines and the Imperial guard crashes to the desktop. Also chaos with orcs and Necrons against the space Marines, the Imperial guard and the battle sisters crashes to the desktop. Mod is unplayable. Still crashes to desktop at any time, installed all that could be installed from the instructions, the mod developers did not comment on the situation with these crashes to desktop, so I do not even know who can help solve this problem.

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goldsolder - - 7 comments

Game stable when play 2vs2

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zyrelle1024 - - 2 comments

The kauravan campaign says it missing the UltimateApocalypse_tyranids,UltimateApocalypse_Daemons,UltimateApocalypse_Inquisition.

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Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments

It needs to be updated,which will be soon by its creator.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
FailbaddonTheHarmles - - 6 comments

Really? As in, the one that was last updated in 2017? I've been out of the loop on moddb for a long time, have they been waiting for the next big update or something?

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

and when will the Necrons have the Praetorians?

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michoisman - - 148 comments

do I need tyranid mod and chaos daemons to able to launch the game? do I just download them and do I need another faction also to play it? or just these 2?

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Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments

Yes,you need those mods as well.

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Hereticus2142 - - 59 comments

So pre-1.88.7 I had allot of issues with the game being unstable and crashing...

Come 1.88.7 and the game is incredibly stable, running smooth, never crashed and only a handful of bugs that weren't really game-breaking, just eye sores.

Now with the 1.88.71 all the buggy pink boxes are fixed but the game is crashing every single match without ever missing a mark.

Is their a fix for the crashes?

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Kekoulis - - 3,664 comments

I fear that the installer may have removed the 4gb patch.
Please,if you are running STEAM,verify the Soulstorm files and then apply the 4gb patch anew.

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Hereticus2142 - - 59 comments

That solved it. Thank you for the help.

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